Democrats’ Stalingrad: The Tide Has Turned on Impeachment – IOTW Report

Democrats’ Stalingrad: The Tide Has Turned on Impeachment


Over the coming weeks, one question will be paramount in the wake of the Democrats’ disastrous impeachment fail. Should President Trump wage a pitched and protracted battle in the upcoming Senate trial? Or will cooler heads–like Senator Lindsey Graham’s–prevail upon him to accept a perfunctory hearing or outright dismissal?

Fox News host Laura Ingraham posited a paraphrase of that question to Ken Starr before Christmas. She asked the former Clinton scandal independent prosecutor whether Trump should simply “declare victory” in light of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s passive-aggressive call to sit on the House articles like a distraught hen sits on an egg sucked dry by a barnyard viper. Starr opined that the president should move on, sparing the nation the continued sociopolitical angst and division this travesty has wrought.

Not so fast. Graham, fresh from a White House meeting, declared that the president was “mad as hell.” That may indicate that Trump will aggressively move to obtain the exoneration he believes he so richly deserves. But Graham has also said that he doesn’t want to give the Schiff/Nadler impeachment senatorial credibility that it does not deserve.

The 2019 impeachment saga remains extremely fluid. This piece could be rendered obsolete before it is ever published. But it seems we have a temporary status quo. Democrat impeachers have left the building, gone home to face the damage they’ve done to themselves. GOP point men like Rep. Matt Gaetz (for future president?) have done irreparable damage to the flimsy impeachment cause, relentlessly characterizing the debacle for the partisan and pseudo-constitutional circus it is.

Now it’s the Senate’s turn, and Majority Leader McConnell is waiting. But something happened on the way to the upper chamber. Pelosi is hanging fast to the last shred of her party’s denuded credibility. There’s no two ways about it—she has blinked.  Another Fox host, Shannon Bream, asserted in late December that “both sides are dug in.” Really? No. The tide has turned. The Democrats are in retreat, and Donald Trump may be preparing to mount a major counteroffensive.

The Democrats have arrived at their Stalingrad.

But there is a profound difference between Pelosi’s forces and the German generals who launched Operation Barbarossa against the Soviet Union in the early summer of 1941. Unlike Adolf Hitler and his inner circle of military strategists, Democrats never really believed in the mission. It was always a sketchy desperation gambit and they are now looking to mitigate the price they must pay for pursuing it. read more

26 Comments on Democrats’ Stalingrad: The Tide Has Turned on Impeachment

  1. There has to be punishment for this farce and they should have their asses destroyed for it. Trump has them back on their heels and now’s the time to grind them up.
    Despite what the wimps like Miss Lindsey want President Trump always punches back and he’s cocked and loaded with a haymaker this time.
    This is what we’ve been waiting for!

  2. Democrats will keep resuscitation going for how ever long the POTUS is in office, its all they have, a thorn in his foot. They have boxed themselves into a political corner by being on a fools mission. The coin is in the air.

  3. Too many unanswered questions that need to be answered in a Senate trial.
    Too many swamp creatures on both sides of the aisle that need to be outed for their corruption, Graham included.
    Stalingrad for Dems?
    Bullshit! this should be our Nuremberg.

  4. When Kesselring decided to hold all of Italy when he could have withdrawn to the Alps and freed up some 30 Divisions to more profitable theaters, he probably sealed Germany’s fate (if “fate” has anything to do with it).

    There’s a time to fight and a time to consolidate – and it takes a pretty shrewd General to call it correctly.
    Let’s hope President Trump calls it right.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I’m four square behind POTUS Trump on this. If it’s impeachment they want, it’s impeachment they get! Impeachment of every single rotten Democrat who was involved in this! If the Democrats want to play with the bonfire of their vanities, let them burn!

    It is unconscionable to allow the Democrats to pervert the Constitution and its rule of law in the ways they have and to not force them into a defensive position in order to, once and for all, expose their perversions and put right all their wrongs. This is not merely a “partisan” fight between elected Democrats and Republicans, this fight is between our government and We, The People. The precedent of unlawful impeachment cannot stand. A dismissal in the senate will not address the underlying wrongs. This does not need to be a case of “either, or” and it is doubly wrong for Senate Republicans to frame it that way.

  6. …on top of which a dismissal will count as a “draw” and not a conclusive verdict, setting the stage — as did Mueller — for five more years of “He was not exonerated.”

    This is absolute and unmitigated balls, bullshit and poppycock! Graham and McConnell well know this, too. Send them packing, along with Nadler, Schiff and Pelosi.

  7. I prefer to think of it as the democraps Hiroshima, drop the big one, no survivors, f**king jackasses need the hurt to be enduring enough they never survive again as a viable political party, regardless of their reformation as the socialist/communist losers they are.

  8. The only thing that will ever put an end to this will be a significant -and I mean significant- loss of the House in the upcoming elections over it.

    And even then they will keep it in the back of their minds just in case they retake the majority again.

    That’s if they lose, we’ll know that in less than a year now.

  9. AA,
    Couldn’t agree with you more.
    BUT – big BUT – should we allow this to be dragged out and legitimized by a serious “juridical” type pomposity in the Senate?
    The socialists aren’t stupid – vain, immoral, dissembling, hateful, vengeful, prevaricating, lying, disingenuous sacks of monkey shit, for sure – but stupid, they are not – and the longer this goes on the more opportunity they have to twist the facts and propound their lies. The Media isn’t about to have an epiphany and see the error of their lying sycophancy – thus beginning to support facts and assume the role of news reportage.
    Socialists (totalitarians in general) use repetitious lies and slogans BECAUSE THEY WORK! If the would-be tyrants cannot be completely destroyed and purged from the body politic, they will fester in the bubbling sewerage of the Deep State.

    But you know this.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Democrats have to know that Trump always hits back.
    They also have to know that 70 million faithful have his back.
    I vote that we kneecap the MF’s and cripple thier party.

  11. Tim — The way I see it we need to hold the Democrats to account right now more than ever. I completely see your point about how the Left can use this to their advantage with the complicit Leftist media but, also, if that strategy was considered optimal by Pelosi et al, they would not object to passing their so-called impeachment findings on to the senate. Apparently POTUS Trump’s “grave risk to the security of our nation” isn’t as dire as they foolishly swore just a few weeks ago and that one bit them all right in the ass and made a laughingstock of the Democrats and filled Trump’s reelection campaign coffers to overfull because of it. Not to mention converting fence sitters to red-hat-wearing-supporters in huge numbers. Pelosi et al want to now tamp their VERY STUPID (yes, I think they are stupid) impeachment charade down and would rather everyone just forget about it. Like a Stinger missile, the Left’s breathtaking hubris has finally found it’s target and they blew up their own bunker! The control the Left thought they had over “the narrative” disappeared like a fart in the wind, SanFranNan can’t keep her teeth in her mouth, Schiff is getting booed out of his own town halls, Nadler may not make it to January, and we even picked up another congressional vote out of the deal with Van Drew (without spending a dime)!

    Then look at this: Nunes is suing the media, Soloman is suing Schiff, OAN is suing Rachel Madcow, that kid from Kentucky is suing the NYT’s, WaPo, and a dozen other media companies, and Judicial Watch is suing everyone else! And the plain-as-day difference between these actions and those legal wars waged by Leftist, Soros-funded activist groups is that they are based on real tort or obstruction and would have standing all the way to the SCOTUS!

    So, no, in the end I am not worried about the Democrats having their day in the senate “impeachment” court. On the contrary, I am convinced — as I imagine POTUS Trump is — that the Democrats are in the hot seat this time and can only cause more damage to themselves in its pursuit. In fact, the Democrats have very much to fear if the senate proceeds with a robust trial which includes the Democrat’s witnesses. POTUS Trump has a basic right to face his accuser. It’s unAmerican in the extreme if he cannot.

    This sham impeachment must not stand. All those who brought it will someday be gone and forgotten, but the stench and the shadow of their misdeeds will haunt our system of government until it is set to right.

  12. @ AA: Once again, WONDERFUL!! I always find solace in your posts.
    Infinite ^s!

    OT a little, but – Shaka Zulu was said to have said “Never leave an enemy behind”. I think we’re well past the point where his “advice” should be ignored.

  13. One upcoming big problem Crazy Nancy gravely miscalculated.

    She can delay and toy with sending this ShamPeachment to the Senate all she wants; she FEARS President Trump taking the tv mic to defend himself.

    But what she, and the Fake News, cannot stop is President Trump giving a 2 hour State of The Union Speech, if necessary, to defend against these false allegations, and lay out the case for crimes done by Biden, McCain, Comey et al.

    Directly speaking to the country, with no filter, or censoring!!


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