Democrats: The Party Of Racism – IOTW Report

Democrats: The Party Of Racism

The Lid: Did the Democrats just now notice the statues of the Confederacy? Have they been in a coma? All of a sudden they found self-riotousness over what “those people” represented. This is over the top hypocritical!

And please, don’t give me that line about the Parties changed sides! When, exactly, did that happen? During the FDR years? FDR was, and still is, a god to the Democrats. You know, the one who rounded up and interned Japanese, Italians, Germans and so on during World War II? No warrants. No due process. Nothing. Yup, American citizens! Ironic. And now they want to make up for it by giving NON-Americans all kinds of rights.


President Roosevelt appointed former KKK member Hugo Black to the Supreme Court! Pay attention now. As an Alabama Senator, Hugo Black filibustered an Anti-Lynching Bill. Hmmm. Hugo went on to write that Roosevelt spoke positively of the KKK and had many friends and supporters in it. During the Civil Rights movement, Hugo warned FDR that if he didn’t keep the Blacks in line it might get violent! He also stated, “unfortunately some people think Negros should have special rights under the law.” FDR would not allow the integration of whites and blacks in the armed services. I wonder how he would have handled transgender? Will we be removing his statue now too?


Maybe the Parties switched sides during the years of LBJ, a Democrat, who saw black people as being able to be played and had no problem calling them by the “N” word. (As a matter of fact, many of his close friends said it was one of his favorite words.) When LBJ was asked why he nominated Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court he stated, “When I appoint a “N” to the bench I want everyone to know he is a “N””. And his famous comment that once he got the Civil Rights Act passed, “I’ll have those “N’s” voting Democratic for 200 years.” Will we be pulling down his statue too?

A Frankenstein’s monster with a Southern drawl…”


Maybe the Party switch came in the 1970’s, you know, when Jimmy Carter, one of the biggest racists in your Party, well in any Party, was president. Jimmy, while serving on the school board in the 1950’s led the effort to relocate the site of a new black school. Why? Because, as he stated publicly, the school was on the same side of the street as a white school and the kids would have to use the same sidewalk! The board later assured residents they would do everything they could to make sure the kids would not be walking on the sidewalk at the same time.

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11 Comments on Democrats: The Party Of Racism

  1. I’m going with the theory that pulling down historic icons is not about racism, it’s about erasing American history; readying The People for “..a step beyond socialism.” That there is terrible irony in the fact that the Democrat Party owns the boxed set of racism cards — literally — is completely lost or willfully ignored by the Left because that is not their aim. They know that the charge of racism holds little intimidation power today through overuse and senseless application. Watching the Left furiously work to discredit everything that is Good, True and Beautiful about America is hard to watch. They have our Constitution over a barrel; using it as a shield as they charge “fascism” against anyone who attempts to shut them down. It is clear, however, that free speech is not premeditated assault, unlawful violent gatherings, nor sedition against the U.S.

    I hope Sessions, wherever he is, has set Chris Wray’s FBI to work unearthing the actors behind these guys.

  2. I’m starting to hate articles like the one linked. First off it devolves into a hot mess of interesting — though unrelated — facts about Clinton’s sexual psychosis, but the real problem is that it seeks to argue against antifa by pointing out and arguing that the Democrats are the party of racism, instead of attacking antifa for what it really is. The writer flirts with the central theme by talking about antifa’s/Alt-Left’s coziness with the Communist flag and the argument should have started there and pounded on that. The entire “racism” thing is a complete red herring meant to throw us off the truth of antifa and it seems to be working. People are getting hurt and killed (and there is more to come) while we argue the granular details of the D’s and their historic defense of slavery, racism and bigotry.

  3. Who cares if the Democrats are the reeeeal racists?! That’s been going around with no traction. Does anyone think blacks (the most racist group on the planet) care? No! They want freebies from whitey! Which Democrats are glad to give them. Blacks don’t care if Democrats hate them as long as they keep the EBT card loaded with money.

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