Democrats turning California into a third-world hellhole: Going without electricity edition – IOTW Report

Democrats turning California into a third-world hellhole: Going without electricity edition

American Thinker: Democrats are turning California into a third-world hellhole without electricity, water, and freedom.

Due to Democrats’ love for trees, at least 800,000 Californians will be without power for several days.  Instead of properly managing California forests to reduce the chances of big fires, Democrats are saying Californians have to go without lights, refrigerators, and air-conditioning.  Democrats could also avoid this by not making the power company financially liable for all forest fire damages, but since PG&E is a company, not an illegal alien, the Democrats couldn’t care less about doing what’s best for California.

While they try to blame climate change and the infrastructure, the reality is that neither of those has caused any significant changes in the last ten years — but now, suddenly, due to Democrat policies, Californians have to start living in the 18th century.

The Democrats who run California also refuse to build more water storage capacity even though the state’s population has dramatically increased, ensuring that water has to be rationed during droughts.

Democrats are turning California into a third-world country economically.  The income inequality between the über-rich Silicon Valley workers and the rest of Californians is huge, just like in third-world countries, while the elites live in luxury and the rest live in squalor. 

Democrats are doing a great job manufacturing poverty and homelessness even as they fail to instill hope in Californians.

California has four times more homeless per capita and three times more poor per capita than the rest of America.  Half the homeless in America are in California, even though California has only 12% of the U.S. population.  Also, blacks are six times more prevalent in the San Francisco homeless population than they are in California in general. read more

20 Comments on Democrats turning California into a third-world hellhole: Going without electricity edition

  1. There is something more going on here than shutting down the power to help prevent fires. How is it that there were no reports of wildfires until the power was shut off? Now all of a sudden there are several fires. The reality the conditions on the ground haven’t really changed, except for the fact there is no power. My tin foil hat is experiencing power surges.

  2. @joe6pak – I think our tinfoil hats are communicating – I happened to see Al Roker giving his weather report a day or two before the fires started – saying that it was dry and the winds were high and basically it was the perfect condition for forest fires. I thought to myself, it almost sounds like he’s telling someone “now is the perfect time to set those fires.” The next thing I know, California is on fire.

  3. We were out of power for 2 days at home. It’s back on, but they shut another community down across the road. They have shut down the vast majority of residential in the north state. BUT, they’re still powering the little industrial parks scattered thru the foothills. My business is in one of them. My youngest works in one even farther up the hill. WTF? Is that power for industrial parks arriving on different transmission lines? I don’t think so. We are being seriously srewed with. Oh, and a little benefit of this dog and pony show, they had to shut down most of the water purification plants. And there are NO winds clocking more than about 10 mph.

  4. This is one of the greatest mind experiments in world democratic history:
    How incompetent can a particular group of people in political power (Democrats) be, and still get re-elected?
    How far down can these incompetents take what once was one of the most prosperous states on Earth?

  5. joe6pak , Jerry N . . . when something smells rotten, it is! Tin foil won’t change it!
    BTW, how are the US Military bases in California getting along with the wild fires and power offs?

    From :

    Ham radio repeaters are needed by ham radio operators to carry their signals a greater distance when they can’t get a good bounce, which is quite frequently. The repeaters were put in decades ago and have served as a last line of emergency communication when all other systems fail. If california wants these repeaters gone, it is a clear sign something is up. The excuse of the bureaucracy is that it is an outdated tech that should be abandoned. However, it is perfectly obvious that it is NOT an outdated tech, and that the real reason is so the state can have a monopoly on communications and information when they cause TSHTF.”
    [California Officials declare Ham Radio no longer a benefit; Demands Ham radio repeater infrastructure to be Removed
    October 10, 2019 ]

    “Last year, California’s lawmakers pushed through legislation that held utilities accountable for all fires “they” create. However, in July, governor Newsom created a $21 billion fund to cover for damages caused by power related fires. I did not know that, which subsequently means that PG&E cut the power for purely manipulative reasons, as many people suspected.”

    “They start cutting off the power. Take away forms of communication. Sounds like things are getting a bit suspicious in the communist state of California.”

  6. They are just practicing for when the Commiefornia Legislature outlaws the use of all fossil fuels and this situation becomes permanent across the state!

  7. tRuth, I was just about to add the ham radio infrastructure being dismantled to the story. My tin foil hat is telling me I need a break and a beer. It’s Friday afternoon and I’ve justified my existence this week.

  8. I would find it most amusing if one of their beloved electric cars were to short out and go up in a mushrooming ball of fire, as they are prone to do, setting a major forest ablaze in the process.

  9. That major fire in socal is an an area that has major fires EVERY year. Why haven’t they taken any preventive actions? Such as firebreaks, patrols, a fire station within the perimeter.

  10. Wow! I sure am glad all those Indian “tech” “workers” — the ones The Donald wants to confetti cannon with green cards — are here. Living the American dream. Instead of living wherever they are, just like wherever they came from.

  11. We got our power turned back on after 3 days. It wasn’t ALL that bad. I’m experienced at camping. Not the whole town was out, we had access to food, gas, ATM, etc. Just don’t open the frig or freezer. Our stuff stayed frozen. I just purchased a generator if and when the power goes out this winter…I want to stay warm and our only source of heat is a pellet stove. We’re good to go, the generator will supply the whole house. SCREW NUDESOME!


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