American Greatness: It is almost unbelievable that the Democrats have allowed themselves to be so completely out-maneuvered by President Trump in the coronavirus and economic crises. They are all calling for an indefinite protraction of the economic hemorrhage, with unemployment increasing by hundreds of thousands every day, even as the incidence of the virus declines.
The Democrats started out with every advantage: the crisis came out of the blue and burst over the administration. As soon as there was any hint of how aggressive and dangerous the virus was, the anti-Trump press went wild—frightening the public with visions of a bubonic plague that threatened the life of everyone despite the fact that approximately 98 percent of people under 65 who get the coronavirus, survive it.
At first, Trump was a bit blasé about “the flu.” But then, as he noted the potential scope of the problem and stopped direct flights from China on January 31, he was accused of “racism” and “xenophobia” by those pendants of the Democratic weltanschauung, likely presidential nominee Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
As drastic forecasts of immense numbers of fatalities started tumbling out of ostensibly credible centers of epidemiology, the new refrain was that Trump was a moronic enemy of science. For a brief shining moment, his supposed complacency about the coronavirus was linked to his skepticism about the dire threat of climate change.
With the one as with the other, the advocates, as they build hysteria, reflexively referred to a solid phalanx of “97 percent of experts agree . . . ” etc. And with the one as with the other, this is bunk. As new data comes in, forecasts become less dire—or, to put it in computerese, garbage in, garbage out. read more
Mr Black appears to basing his assumptions on numbers presented by the msm…… makes me wonder. Not disagreeing with his thesis, just his numbers.
Always remember that the dem’s are currently running Joe Friggin’ O’Biden with a female VP candidate to be named later. Those female candidates all come from the usual suspects….The economy can only be held down so long. They started this latest ‘crisis’ way too soon…..
I hate to keep beating this poor old horse, but what is being done about Voter ID and voter fraud?
Hey joe6 — I don’t know, what are you doing about it?
“unbelievable that the Democrats have allowed themselves to be so completely out-maneuvered”
not for me
it has always been unbelievable that the rinos in congress have let the media and democrats run roughshod over them
that is what’s unbelievable
They don’t underestimate Trump, they have always been aware that a man like Trump would basically make their playbook useless. Establishment Republicans have played right into their designs… I firmly believe that eRepublicans have been part of a larger scheme. Take a good close look at Paul Ryan if you doubt that to be the case.
I find that democrats are so into themselves to the point where they can’t recognize just how obtuse they have become.
AA, what am I going to do about it. WTF? I guess me and my honky friends will pretend we are Black Panthers and stand guard at the polling station. Except here in Washington we are all mail in ballots. Maybe they will let me and my home boys in to oversee the counting.