Democrats Want Washington D.C. to Be a State – IOTW Report

Democrats Want Washington D.C. to Be a State

These people have no shame.

21 Comments on Democrats Want Washington D.C. to Be a State

  1. Article I, Section 8 along with the 23rd Amendment explicitly uses the word “District” to describe the seat of the Federal goverenment. If the framers had meant “State,” they would have used the word “State.”

    Sorry, clowns. Back to the drawing board.

  2. No. Washington, DC is about 68 square miles, and giving these people two senators and at least one congress person would give them representation in Congress completely disproportionate to what this city is or should be.

    If DC residents want representation in Congress, then they can easily move to Virginia or Maryland – where many of the movers and shakers already live. There is simply no reason to inflict additional progressive government types on this nation.

  3. Fuck Off! The Flag is perfect as it is.

    Hillary, Biden, & the Dems must be trying to corner the Flag manufacturing lobby.

  4. …is Marion Barry still around? His campaign spots to run the new chocolate state could be EPIC!

    “I’ve seen the tapes and the bitch set him up…TO GOVERN! Vote MB for DC.”

    “Vote for the man who can do lines on a map just as easy as he can do lines off her back! Vote the Schnozz for DC, cuz!”

    …aww, he daid. Too bad. Well, whatever, if the dead can VOTE Democrat, the dead can GOVERN Democrat, it’s all whatever Soros says anyway, so once again, M.B. for D.C., or you ain’t Black, see…

  5. If it was a Republican district, they’d be pushing for ethnic cleansing.

    I want California and NY split into three states each.

    Wish in one hand, shit in the other.

  6. mickey moussaoui
    JULY 27, 2020 AT 4:56 PM
    “I want my own state too. Me first.”

    …honestly, us being 300,000,000 states is the REAL answer. “Representative Democracy” always fails on the ‘”Representative” part.

    Don’t believe me? Call your rep about something they voted wrong on NOW.

    I’ll wait…

    …you’re back! Get through? No?

    …see that’s my POINT.

    It’s the “Other Actor” fallacy, an unreasonable expectation that someone ELSE will act in YOUR best interest.

    No one does that, not even when the law says they HAVE to.

    Ask President Trump about his LAWYER, Michael Cohen, for just ONE example.

    …a mother comes CLOSEST, but not ALWAYS. A GOOD mother will STILL drop her baby instinctively when a dog suddenly attacks, and a BAD one will trade sex with it for drugs.

    And ‘representatives’ are not bound like lawyers, NOR love you like a mother.

    Although many are CALLED “mothers”, it’s usually just half of an all-too-applicable compound word.

    …so if no one can be trusted to represent YOU fully and accurately, you should secede until the United States recognizes you AS a State.

    We ALL should. And it’s no stupider than what the Dems are proposing…

    …there ARE some technical problems with that, though.

    I do have two in mind to be the Senators of SNS, for example, with all the dignity, gravitas, and baldness we’ve come to expect in that role, but they are part of an inseperable 3 piece set and I’m not sure what role the ‘man in the middle’ can play, althogh he CAN signal the pleasure or displeasure of Senator Leftnut and Senator Rightnut by raising his head…

    …oh, well, we can hammer the details out later…Article V, “Convention of the 3 Million States”, here we come (absolutely NO pun intended!)…

  7. A trade. They get DC but it has to include the 3 or 4 adjacent counties of MD and VA that have the hundreds of thousands of socialists and commies that push those 2 states into blue control.
    That way we get 2 red states and they get a single blue state.

  8. Well, they’re just following the path opened by Abe Lincoln. Abe too was worried about his midterm reelection, and wanted to create some extra electoral votes to help him out to seal the deal.

    He spun off western Va. into the state of West Virginia, with large popular support from people living there, who had long thought they were not represented well in Richmond due to the barrier of the mountains between them. Among other issues. .

    “With 68.24% of the popular vote, West Virginia would prove to be Lincoln’s fifth strongest state in terms of popular vote percentage ..” .

    No doubt DC statehood would be reliable democrat party votes, too.


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