Dems’ $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Bill May Flop, Thanks To Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) – IOTW Report

Dems’ $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Bill May Flop, Thanks To Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ)

TownHall: Sen. Krysten Sinema (D-AZ) is quickly becoming my favorite Democrat. We probably don’t agree on much, but she’s not gone full communist like other members of her party. Her line seems to be ‘I’m a liberal, just not nuts like you people.’ I’m okay with that. I also like how she will do what she feels is best for her state and the country, and Chuck Schumer has no sway in the matter. The other wild card is Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) who walks a careful path being a senator from a now-deep red state. Sinema has made her position clear. She’s a “no” vote on this $3.5 trillion lefty boondoggle package. This is the human infrastructure bill that the far left wants to pass now and have threatened to block the bipartisan infrastructure deal that was hashed out with Senate Republicans (via Politico):

Kyrsten Sinema still opposes her party’s plans for a $3.5 trillion, party-line spending bill. And she’s not up for a negotiation about it.

As House Democratic leaders hold back Sinema’s own Senate-passed bipartisan infrastructure bill in order to push the Arizona Democrat and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) to support a multitrillion-dollar spending bill, Sinema is making it crystal clear that her mind can’t be changed. And that applies even as her own legislation becomes a bargaining chip in House Democrats’ internal discussions.


It’s the latest entrenched position from the first-term moderate, whose resistance to changing the Senate’s filibuster rules and to supporting a $3.5 trillion spending bill is enraging progressives. Sinema and Manchin both helped pass Democrats’ budget earlier this month, setting up that gargantuan spending bill, but both are resistant to a social spending package that ultimately meets its $3.5 trillion top line mark.

Sinema in particular specifically opposes that spending goal, which was devised by Senate Budget Chair Bernie Sanders (I-VT .). Senate Democrats need all 50 of their members, including Manchin and Sinema, to pass a filibuster-proof reconciliation spending bill.

On Sunday Speaker Nancy Pelosi said her members were still pursuing a bill that costs $3.5 trillion, but are hoping to finance it in part with tax enforcement and tax increases on the wealthy and corporations.

Yeah, and there’s lies another problem. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t have the votes in the House to pass the $3.5 trillion package. Nine House Democrats are entrenched in their position to oppose the package (via WaPo): MORE HERE

13 Comments on Dems’ $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Bill May Flop, Thanks To Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ)

  1. The saying about everything is for sale and everybody can be bought comes to mind. I hope that’s not the case here. It would be nice to see someone stand on principle and use common sense. I know that sounds naïve, but I for one would like to see some faith in humanity restored.

  2. She is our coo-coo Senator. Admits she is bisexual, thinks stay at home moms are just lazy, and is a dyed in the wool Dem.
    She is up for reelection next year and IMO< this is a ploy to save her seat in the Senate.
    Don't fall for her newfound moderation.

  3. I think the dnc is only a few Days away from openly assassinating anyone

    in Their way.

    Either that, or dissenters will wake up to a Computer full of Child Porn

    and the KGBI kicking down Their Door.

  4. It’s theft.
    Plain and simple.
    And every Member of Congress knows it.
    So do the greedy Shylocks and Shysters behind the politicians.
    Seems like the morons who will pay for it are the only ones who don’t understand (We, the People).

    izlamo delenda est …


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