Dems announce impeachment inquiry, Tulsi Gabbard not interested – IOTW Report

Dems announce impeachment inquiry, Tulsi Gabbard not interested

Pelosi is going for an inquiry. An inquiry. That’s governmentspeak for
“we’re going to sit around and call for more meetings and pretend like we’re doing something. But we’re really really gonna do something about it.” …Story Here

In the meantime; Donald Trump Authorizes Release of Ukraine Phone Call Transcript. I think this will be a bigger problem for the Dems. Especially Joe.
[ Jill Biden. I told you to come get your old man. LOL!]

Tulsi Gabbard is so very not interested in impeachment-

Gabbard said, “I think the question of impeachment would further tear apart an already divided country. I think it’s important Donald Trump is defeated. I believe I can defeat him in 2020. But it’s the voters who need to make that choice unequivocally.

Which is politicianspeak for, ARE YOU PEOPLE INSANE?! DID YOU SEE HIS APPROVAL RATING?!?!?

Tulsi’s hoping to pick up some votes from the non-insane Democrats out there. All 4 of them.

From The Hill: Senate GOP vows to quash impeachment articles.

Republicans say that impeachment will boomerang on Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who have tried to resist pressure from the left to impeach Trump for more than a year.

Senate Republican Whip John Thune (S.D.) warned that Democrats are embarking on a politically perilous journey.

“It’s a risky strategy on their part. I know they’re under a lot of pressure to do it, but if you’re the leadership over there, you got to think long and hard about what the implications are if it looks like you’re overreaching,” he said.

Senate Republicans on Tuesday argued there is no basis for impeachment, especially after Trump pledged to release an unredacted transcript of his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, said, “You can’t tell me they’re talking about impeachment when the president is cooperating with them 100 percent to release these things.”

“It’s premature to talk about impeachment,” he said.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), a staunch Trump ally, signaled the House impeachment push would hit a dead end in the Senate.

13 Comments on Dems announce impeachment inquiry, Tulsi Gabbard not interested

  1. It’s official now, the far left radicals have taken control of the Democrat party. Pelosi has finally quit trying to control them and bowed down to their supremacy in the party.

    But will this make any difference to the average Democrat, or the way he or she votes next year?

    I’m guessing probably not, but what do I know?

  2. Have we now moved from the perpetual and hopeful pre-impeachment endless inquiry in which no crime was found to the bathing suit competition?


    What a bunch of hopeless drooling idiots.

    Get back to me when you find a crime other than defeating the presumptive heiress to the Throne.

    And once you get your knuckle dragging House members to vote AYE in the majority, there is that tricky super majority in the Senate.

    4 seconds of your time on this YouTube.

  3. TRUMP broke them and they are determined to completely finish themselves off.
    Don’t the shrinks call what they are doing decompensation?
    He may never drain the swamp, but it’s a thing of beauty to watch him barely lift a finger and have them as torn up as they are.

  4. Gabbard is an irrelevant Hindi cunt, there I said it. Her libstain agenda is every bit as dangerous to America as the rest of the Dems. She is worse because she tries to hide behind her trumped-up and self-aggrandized military “service” in a medical unit using further puke-inducing pandering by calling active duty and veterans her “brothers and sisters.” Who falls for this retarded shit? She can stick the entire thing right into her gapping front-hole the corn-fed poon.

  5. The clown party is going to need a lot of the short buses to haul all of these 2 brain cell functioning drooling illiterate morons back to the TDS farm for reedjumacation on orange man bad, bibs and depends futures skyrocket……


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