Dems are afraid of Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz running as an Independent in 2020 – IOTW Report

Dems are afraid of Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz running as an Independent in 2020

DC: Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz’s open consideration of an independent, third-party bid for the White House has numerous Democratic political operatives and candidates sounding the alarm.

“I have a concern that if he did run, that essentially, it would provide [President] Donald Trump with his best hope of getting re-elected,” Julian Castro — a former Housing and Urban Development secretary under the Obama administration and a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate himself — said Sunday when asked by CNN about Schultz’s possible run. “I would suggest to Mr. Schultz to truly think about the negative impact that that might make.”

The Texas Democrat is far from the only one to allege that a third-party bid from Schultz would ultimately split progressive and moderate voters, paving the way for Trump to secure a second term.

“.@HowardSchultz running for POTUS as an independent would put the froth on @realDonaldTrump’s Cinnamon Dolce Latte, splitting the opposition and making Trump’s low ceiling potentially high enough,” David Axelrod, former President Barack Obama’s campaign manager, tweeted on Jan. 21.

“The best thing that Howard Schultz can do for the country is invest in education, voting rights, civil rights, and climate advocacy,” Hawaii Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz wrote Saturday on Twitter. “There is zero appetite for this, and there is an urgent need for the Democratic candidate to win in 2020.”  MORE

20 Comments on Dems are afraid of Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz running as an Independent in 2020

  1. I can see why Julian Castro is worried. A billionaire who orders his cashiers to lecture customers about white privilege, closes his stores for an afternoon to have a teach-in with employees about their racism and who has turned his coffee shops into open to the homeless portajohns has his finger on the pulse of society.

    I’m losing count here. Schultz, Castro, Harris, Booker, Buttgeyser, Biden, Warren, Gillibrand, Newsome, Sanders, Clinton again. This isn’t the A Team.

  2. Boy, I bet the nevertrumpers are pissed off. Egg McMuffin, clear your schedule!

    But why in hell ask the dolt Julian Castro about it? Was he the only Dem on TV when the media got the bad news?

  3. 1: Bloomberg will be the final nominee. He’ll bide his time while the minor players eliminate each other, then step in to assume the pre-arranged nomination.

    2. Harris or some brownish female like her will be his Veep.

    3. Schultz can have fun playing candidate, but actually campaigning is hard work.

    4. The real threat will be a Uniparty GOPe splitter like a Romney designed to split 10-15% off the Trump independent/swing vote. Count on it.
    That will be the real danger.
    Those of us who voted for Perot wound up electing Clinton.

  4. Schultz is right about one thing. The voters are fed up with the lack of fiscal responsibility by both parties. This was one of the things that made H. Ross Perot so appealing to fiscal conservatives, and the situation is twenty times worse now. I know of very few Democrats who voted for Perot. Almost everyone I knew who supported Perot was a Republican. Perot elected Clinton. Schultz will help re-elect President Trump. He’s got the Mourning Joe crowd worried already, because they know what Nader did to Gore and what Stein did to Clinton. Run, Howard, run!


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