Dems Distance Themselves from ‘Liability’ Hillary Clinton Ahead of Midterms – IOTW Report

Dems Distance Themselves from ‘Liability’ Hillary Clinton Ahead of Midterms

Breitbart— As the midterm elections approach a growing number of Democrats aren’t seeking out an endorsement from failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Some, in fact, consider her a liability and are distancing themselves, including one self-described progressive candidate in Arkansas, where Hillary and her husband Bill Clinton cut their political teeth.

The Hillary endorsement divide is in the spotlight this week as she is expected to endorse New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s reelection at a Democratic state party convention. The move will likely anger liberals who support far-left candidate Cynthia Nixon, according to the New York Times.

The Times article, which called Clinton’s loss “stunning,” compiled the number of Democratic candidates and operatives who do not consider Hillary an asset to the Party going into a critical election for winning back seats from Republicans.

The Times reported:

They worry that the Clinton name reeks of the past and fear that their unpopularity with conservative-leaning and independent voters could harm Democrats in close races. And among many younger and more liberal voters, the Clintons’ reputation for ideological centrism has little appeal.

President Trump, meanwhile, has continued to level caustic attacks that have made the Clintons radioactive with Republicans. A Gallup poll in December found Mrs. and Mr. Clinton with their lowest favorability ratings in years.

The Times article starts with Arkansas — where Bill Clinton was governor — where it reported, “There is scant demand for their help.” more

16 Comments on Dems Distance Themselves from ‘Liability’ Hillary Clinton Ahead of Midterms

  1. To kill a Hillary Zombie takes a silver bullet to the head and a wooden cross stake to the heart.

    Hillary’s political career is the very definition of “walking dead”.

  2. She’s the crazy, alcoholic aunt that no one wants to deal with at Thanksgiving, but, unfortunately, everyone has to deal with her because she paid for the wine and desserts.(Hint: try and keep her away from the small children as to not to traumatize them for the rest of their lives.)

  3. Regardless of how many defecrats try to distance themselves from the sick, old Hillbag, not one of these disingenuous dipshitz can distance themselves from the fact that they DID NOT vote FOR tax cuts!!

  4. She reeks of a dirty diaper, Ben-Gay and flop sweat.

    Their main liability is making sure the handicapped ramp to their convention stage meets ADA standards.

  5. Get out there Hillary and spread your electoral magic. Every time she speaks her poll numbers go down, which is why she barely showed up for her own campaign.
    The more she speaks the less people like her. Or, more accurately, the more they HATE her.

  6. Can’t wait for Cankles to stumble to the various campaign stops, reeking of cheap Chardonnay, stammering how she’s gonna endorse this guy whether he likes it or not. Now, where’s my check?


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