Dems Exasperated as Working-Class Voters Unmoved by NYTimes Hit Piece on Trump Taxes – IOTW Report

Dems Exasperated as Working-Class Voters Unmoved by NYTimes Hit Piece on Trump Taxes


Danielle Fairbank closed the tailgate of her fire-engine red pickup truck in a Target parking lot in Oshkosh, Wisconsin and offered a hearty “Fake news!” to dismiss reports that President Donald Trump paid only $750 in income taxes in 2017.

The assembly worker at a nearby military vehicle plant just as swiftly brushed aside the media-backed insistence that Trump’s tiny tax bill put him out of touch with blue-collar workers like herself.

Her job—which she’s held throughout the recession and pandemic—is proof to her that the billionaire president is on the side of the working-class.

“I know in my heart he’s doing more for this economy, for people like me and for me personally, than anyone is giving him credit,” Fairbank said. “That stuff is made up, and it would have come out by now if it were true.”


19 Comments on Dems Exasperated as Working-Class Voters Unmoved by NYTimes Hit Piece on Trump Taxes

  1. Trump is taking advantage of the tax laws that were written by the legislative branch elected by the people. Many of the laws were written as favors to big donors resulting in a tax code so convoluted that even tax attorneys can’t figure it out.

    He’d be a fool not to. And you can be sure Biden takes every exemption he can just like Obama and the rest of the tax payers in this country.

    And Trump earned his money by working for it unlike a lot of the politicians who manage to get rich by talking hot air and God knows how else

    Let’s see all of their tax returns Nancy, Diane and the rest of them

  2. It’s the cry wolf syndrome,cry wolf enough and people turn a deaf ear to it. The lying media has lost credibility! people don’t believe them because they lie! Only when there are strict penalties (laws)for lying to the public and these laws are enforced will I put some trust in them. Trust is easy to lose and hard to rebuild.

  3. Yep. No sane and semi-intelligent human being gives a rats-ass about Trump’s taxes. I agree with Fed Up – let’s get the IRS to start looking at the tac returns of these rat bastards Dems. :^#

  4. “It’s the cry wolf syndrome,cry wolf enough and people turn a deaf ear to it.”

    Which begs the question, why in the world do blacks continue to vote for dems to the tune of around 95% when they are used as not much more than props?

    You’d think real time proof like looking out your window in Baltimore DUCK! and seeing the desolation you grew up in is still there and the same people your parents voted for are still in power railing against whitey.

    BTW the characters in the Cry Wolf fable were white so take a picture because like most of our(white) culture, TPTB are looking to blackwash it.

    “No sane and semi-intelligent human being gives a rats-ass about Trump’s taxes.” BINGO on the semi-intelligent adjective.

  5. Repeal the 16th Amendment.
    It’s been a lie and an abomination from the start (passed on the lie that it would only affect 1/2 of 1% of the “highest earners” – though – tellingly – they didn’t write that into the Amendment).
    Get rid of the 17th while we’re at it – it destroyed the balance of power among the States, People, and Feds.

    We should not have to suffer from the imbecilities of the past.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The MSM has put its credibility in the trash after screaming “Wolf” constantly to villianize the President.
    The bored villagers have shut them out and now scoff openly when the liars start up yet again.
    As was said by BO’s “reverend”; “The chickens have come home to roost” and that’s not dirty “White Out” piled on the top of those MSM heads.

  7. I suspect that Trump, through his combined businesses and business interests, paid substantially more if Federal taxes than just $750. (He probably paid well more than that in just NYC city taxes.)

    But that total amount will never be reported in the NYT.

    FWIW, I do everything I can to minimize my income tax obligations as well, as does everyone that itemizes their deductions or even claims the standard deduction for themselves does when they fill out their yearly taxes.

  8. Tell ya what Tim, why not make it a trifecta of things that will never happen? So along with never repealing the 16th & 17th Amendments, lets amend the Constitution with term limits.


  9. “Trump donates his salary to charities”, so will he get a $1,600,000 tax credit? He is working for free. I doubt any other politician can make the same claim.
    When big businesses are accused of not paying taxes, they never include all the taxes they pay for each employee. Half of each employees taxes are paid by the employer. More people employed = more taxes.

  10. The NYT has forgotten about Lois Lerner, but we haven’t. No pity for the leviathan IRS, whose apparatchiks use their power to attack and suppress political enemies, and it’s hard to muster up anger against private citizens who work the system legally to minimize their tax debt. However, it is easy to have contempt for people who make the tax laws and use them to their advantage.

    Looking at you, 40-year legislator Joe Biden.

  11. An explanation I only heard once, which actually gives it more credibility for me because it was buried so quickly, was that the $750 is the FEE paid to the IRS for an filing extension. The other 157(?) pages of his return (not published) detail how Trump went ahead and PAID tens of millions in taxes for ’16 & ’17 which keeps the bastids at IRS off his back. Trump is way too smart as are his accountants to try and dick around with the tax man.

    Since we know his taxes have been under audit for at least 10 years, had the largest, most ruthless collection agency in the world (IRS) found ANYTHING untoward, we’d have heard about it. I’ve been there/done that – Sin-ate-turd MuckCain and/or Rep. Raul “Greasy” Grijalva sicced ’em on me after some, shall we say, “policy differences.” 7 straight years they hounded me and finally gave up. Can’t get blood out of a stone….

  12. Its simple. Did he break the law? No, he didn’t. Can’t fault a man for finding the best path through the maze and paying the least possible. Its what any normal person does.

  13. “In fact, Trump donates his salary to charities, and continues to earn income from his real estate interests.”

    False. Last I read, POTUS Trump has been donating his presidential salary to gov’t agencies. Are they classified as charities, now?

  14. I was hoping he would announce an investigation or lawsuit regarding the unlawful release of his taxes at the debate the other night. Or throw the reporters in jail for failure to reveal sources. If it can happen to the president it can happen to anyone. Plus I love watching those media companies get sued.

  15. PDJT missed an opportunity in the debate. He should have said, “let me put this in terms even you can understand, Joe. If I have one business that earned $1M and another that lost $1M, the tax due on the net is 0 according to the tax laws you and your cronies wrote. Anyone who doesn’t LEGALLY avoid OVER-PAYING their taxes is a fool who won’t stay in business for long. But as a life-long D.C. swamp rat for 47 years, you have no clue how the real world works.”

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