Dem’s Exemplary A$$hat Extraordinaire Declares DJT Has No Authority To Appoint Supremes – IOTW Report

Dem’s Exemplary A$$hat Extraordinaire Declares DJT Has No Authority To Appoint Supremes


DMF:  We figured we’ve seen just about every bit of nonsense the Dem’s could muster from their tattered playbook, but then Chuck Schumer jumps out of the trees with more weird liberal political science.  So here is today’s news from the slowly desiccating brain trust of the opposition – Donald Trump no longer has the constitutional authority to nominate Justices to the Supreme Court.

CFP The Senate Minority Leader on Tuesday attempted a double bank shot of claiming that Brett Kavanaugh shouldn’t be confirmed for the Supreme Court because Michael Cohen copped a guilty plea. Schumer chose the position he’s in and he can squirm in it every day as far as I’m concerned. Schumer is under intense pressure from the increasingly unhinged liberal base to do everything he can to stop Brett Kavanaugh from being confirmed. In reality, there is nothing he can do and he knows it. But he has to act the part, and if that means grasping at absolutely ridiculous straws (no unusual feat for him), then damn it, that’s what he’s going to do.

Donald Trump no longer has the constitutional authority to nominate Justices to the Supreme Court? Who says? Not you, not me and certainly not the Constitution. But Chuck Schumer says it, not because he believes it, but because he has to say something to keep the barbarians from storming the gate, so why not?  MORE

20 Comments on Dem’s Exemplary A$$hat Extraordinaire Declares DJT Has No Authority To Appoint Supremes

  1. Kamala Harris already said something profound the other day (mainly the standard talking points being parroted).

    Up next, Cory Booker. (If a Fox news person could please ask Corey how T-Bone feels about Cohen and what would happen to member of his crew if they turned snitch in his hood, I would be grateful.)

  2. That deserves a Pulitzer.
    I dunno. Desiccation involves drying out, perhaps turning to powder and blowing away. Too neat and tidy. I tend to think of it more in terms of their brains slowly dissolving into a putrid, rotting, fetid gooey mess… a zombification! Yeah, that’s the word. 🙂

  3. All the democraps have left is Lies and obstructionism. Trump did not stop being president because Cohen was convicted. Trump is not charged with anything despite the best efforts by the swamp critters to manufacture a crime.
    This claim by Schemer reeks of the Harry Reid type of character assassination used on Romney. Doesn’t matter if the allegation is true or not, lets just throw it out there and see what sticks. Actions such as this by our supposed leaders are beyond despicable.
    A mere hundred and fifty years ago we would be having a duel over crap like this, and I would be happy to be your second Mr. President.

  4. This is not news; as in the democrats have taken the position that there is no Constitution and what is legal and proper changes not only day to day but hour to hour depending on their whim and whatever criminal charges they are ducking at that exact moment.

    And they think they will get power and then disarm the citizens? Why they want to is clear; just as clear as why the founding fathers added the 2A.

    When the Civil War starts I do hope we give N.Y. City, Chicago, L.A., San Fran (in short all the districts that keep sending back these haters of the Republic) the Curtis LeMay treatment and we don’t stop until the cancer is burned out of the Republic’s body. Yes, I know, it will never happen. But a fella can dream.

  5. Schumer’s target audience are the liberal morons – not anyone with more than two active brain cells – so I never get too upset with this. Chuckie gives a presser, his handlers tell the trained seals when to clap, when to cheer and when to boo, and then CNN airs this as though it is newsworthy. Chuckles’ news conferences are like the Westminster Dog Show, only with less house training.

    These are the people who elect Schumer, so he has to put on a show. It’s the same for Pelosi, Waters, and other Democrats with low voltage voter bases; tell them what they think they want to hear, and then leave the area before anyone with any intelligence shows up to ask questions.

  6. Shmuck Scummer is surrounded by registered sex offenders, pedophiles, child molesters, and child sex predators. Those are the people closest to him. Hes a true scumbag.

  7. @Claudia, @Diogenes Sarcastica – It is indeed a lovely and vivid turn of phrase!

    @Ho72 – zombification?

    In the spirit of keeping it real, as the Zeitgeist would have us do, I suggest the steadily ossifying brain trust of the opposition because they are doing nothing if not becoming more bone-headed every day.

  8. @ moochoman: I have a mad vision of l’il schmuckie in a duel wherein he narrowly avoids shooting himself in the foot and his opponent, a crack shot, shoots off his nose. Watching the bastard try to figure out how to wear his reading glasses would be comedic GOLD!


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