Dems go insane at Al Sharpton’s convention – IOTW Report

Dems go insane at Al Sharpton’s convention

DC: Democrats made eyebrow-raising statements about identity politics and hot-button policy issues before a largely black audience in New York this week at the National Action Network Convention.

Democratic A-listers, including every leading presidential candidate, are speakers this year at the annual conference for the civil rights group Rev. Al Sharpton founded. It kicked off Wednesday and runs through Saturday.

Rising party leaders such as former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro and businessman Andrew Yang are also on the list.

The convention will “provide an opportunity to revisit the current state of the national civil rights movement in America,” according to the organization’s website.


Identity politics also proved to be a running theme at the convention. Abrams, who has not decided yet on whether she will be running for political office, stated in her Wednesday speech: “I believe in identity politics, and I believe identity politics are the only politics that win.”  more here

27 Comments on Dems go insane at Al Sharpton’s convention

  1. You have reached the automated voice messaging system for the National Action Network Convention – answer we much. Press 1 for English – you will be disconnected immediately. Press 2 to speak to anyone who is not insane – you will be disconnected immediately. Press 3 to speak to someone who hates the United States – you will reach everyone.

  2. I gather a good portion of them also supported reparations (AOC included) for suffering that took place to their forefathers for slavery. I’ll bet Sharpton got a little chubby on as speaker after speaker gave him more relevance than he’s had in years. It’s reaching s point where the phrase “too stupid to live” will take on new meaning.

  3. Winning at identity politics is real easy, everybody gets a free pony from the free pony tree.

    This audience will be particularly easy, use the word “reparations” in every sentence. And if really stumped remind folks that life is a zero sum game, whatever benefits promised to them will be taken away from the avaricious rich folks, now that’s real social justice.

  4. Stacey Abrams, oxymoron…
    Says “identity politics the only kind that can win”,
    Is this the same strategy used in her last campaign,
    She was soundly defeated, therefore not an authority on winning campaign strategy.

  5. What would make this the perfect ‘get the popcorn’ election year is Al Sharpton makes another run for POTUS. He will out black both Spartacus & Willie Brown’s Mistress. He can out gaff the gaffer Biden.

    Please run Sharpton.

  6. If that piggish, gap-tooth loser Stacey Abrams gets respect from the DNC, then who are we to stand in their way?
    Maybe her pal Al can give her tips on dropping about a 100 before they have to carry her up to the podium.
    And one more video of Sharpton doin the dougie with her and it’s a sure winner.
    They’ve got the perfect game going.
    Please continue.

  7. ‘Nuttin could be finer than’
    maybe sets this thread in a ‘hole’ ‘nother’ direction…
    Nah, just F’ing with ya all,
    Filthy minded ones you are.
    Not blushing just sinister laughs,,,

  8. To close out the ceremony, they’re going to lynch an interloping diamond merchant after Tank Abrams accepts the Tawana Brawley Award for Least Rapeable Orb or Spherical Object.

    Where’s Roy Innis when you need him?

    All these hoopleheads bowing and scraping at the leather loafered feet a slandering, libeling reverend without a church.

    OTOH, today is the end of any of their viabilities.

  9. To put it as simply as possible, if you’re a white person and still voting democrat, then you’re either insane or a moron. The party is run by fanatical white haters who would literally murder you and your whole family if they thought they could get a way with it clean.

  10. The convention will “provide an opportunity to revisit the current state of the national civil rights movement in America,”….
    Yeah, b’cause erryone knows we haven’t beat that horse to death enough since 1964.

  11. The Plenary speakers: (from their website)

    Rev. Al Sharpton
    Dr. W. Franklyn Richardson
    The Honorable Beto O’Rourke <———
    Valerie Jarrett
    Andrew Yang
    Eric H. Holder, Jr.
    Tom Perez
    The Honorable Julián Castro

    Hopefully, there will be video of Beto O’Rourke standing on something flailing his arms around while jabbering with his ugly mouth.

  12. Yang would pardon all non-violent drug offenders on April 21, 2021? Doesn’t he mean January 21, 2021, or would he make them stay in prison an extra 3 months just for fun?!


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