Dems Have An Axe To Grind With Supreme Court After Getting Knocked Down In Multiple Cases, Alan Dershowitz Says – IOTW Report

Dems Have An Axe To Grind With Supreme Court After Getting Knocked Down In Multiple Cases, Alan Dershowitz Says


Democrats are pushing for “unconstitutional” changes to the Supreme Court after suffering stinging losses in multiple landmark cases, noted attorney Alan Dershowitz said Monday.

President Joe Biden proposed reforms to the Supreme Court in a Monday op-ed in the Washington Post, citing the court’s ruling in United States v. Trump that granted immunity from prosecution for a president’s official acts and claiming the reforms, including 18-year-terms for Supreme Court justices, were necessary to “strengthen the guardrails of democracy.” Dershowitz disputed Biden’s claim, instead saying that Biden’s concern was more about “the fact that they lost” major cases in the Supreme Court. more

21 Comments on Dems Have An Axe To Grind With Supreme Court After Getting Knocked Down In Multiple Cases, Alan Dershowitz Says

  1. It’s to the point the Dirty Dems should just come right out and say they want to get rid of the Constitution and write a new one that says rights come from govt and the govt can change its mind at any time they see fit.

  2. The Dems tried to act in ways not permitted by legislation or Constitution. They’re particularly pissed because the SCOTUS stopped them from doing such things even though they’d gotten away with them for a while. Boo-fscking-hoo. Suck it up. Walk it off. Rub dirt in it. Go cry to your mama. Whine to someone who cares.

  3. How About This:

    Instead of, or in addition to an Age Limit, there first and foremost must be an IQ Test.

    Katanji: Exhibit A

    What is a Female.

    IQ Tests For Government Workers Regardless of Age


  4. If the law is against you, argue the facts.

    If the facts are against you, argue the law.

    If the law and the facts are against you, burn cities down and kill people until you get your way.

  5. Simple. The democommies have run out of democommie voters. They have now had to import other-country strangers and illegally bribe and support them with our taxes to vote democommie. The Democrat Party has been dead since Obama’s last term.

    I, too, used to be a Dem until the commie bastids and queers, bigots and racists took them over. I no longer consider this insidious Klan of criminals, Soros’ Useful Idiots, and election cheats a legitimate Party anymore.

    Consider these criminals successful on their next assassination attempt of Trump. Maybe, this time they will give the retarded sniper a full half hour of attempted kill shots before shooting this next “lone” sniper.

    Meanwhile, “Innocent” Yoseph will be attending Catholic Mass again during this event like the last time.

  6. I did find it ironic that a man who has spent over half a century in WAsh DC, and had the leaders of his own party push him out of reelection race because he’s too old & infirm, feels he has the moral authority to tell the Supreme Court how long THEY can stay in office.

  7. An unlikely scenario: Biden and his Democrat partners-in-crime succeed in passing legislation to pack the court and four new associate justices are slated to be added. However, this process takes until after the November election. Trump wins the Presidency, and the Republicans establish solid majorities in the House and Senate. Trump appoints four new conservative associate justices (I’m thinking Clarence Thomas types), and the Democrat liberals are now outnumbered 8 to 3.

    For the record, I’m absolutely against changing the court just because Democrats are throwing a hissy fit. But I can dream.

  8. Beachmom – Dirty Dems should just come right out and say they want to get rid of the Constitution and write a new one…

    That’s exactly what democRATz are attempting to do, in roundabout, back-door way! The Constitution is only what the Supreme Court says it is, so if they are able to tip it Liberal say bye-bye to any contraints on absolute power.

    I’m all for:
    Background check
    Drug testing
    Competancy testing for politicians. I don’t consider the judicial system to be politial. Even tho I know it is, it shouldn’t be.
    Just like the Private Sector

  9. Harry
    TUESDAY, 30 JULY 2024, 8:47 AT 8:47 AM

    “That’s exactly what democRATz are attempting to do, in roundabout, back-door way!”

    We DO love reacharounds and back-door entry!

  10. If the Congress won’t fix itself, the only solution is for the States to NULLIFY the Congress and the United States Corporation.

    (Go ahead and lift my needle off the record.)

  11. They’re sore losers for sure.

    And Biden can barely spit out a sentence, so this is all the puppet master’s doing.

    This country’s a sham at this point – unelected commies are running the show…

    Pray for Trump, as he’s our only peacefull solution.

  12. Jarhead Cracka
    TUESDAY, 30 JULY 2024, 8:44 AT 8:44 AM
    “I did find it ironic that a man who has spent over half a century in WAsh DC, and had the leaders of his own party push him out of reelection race because he’s too old & infirm, feels he has the moral authority to tell the Supreme Court how long THEY can stay in office.”

    C’mon man! Rules are for US to use against YOU, not tuther way ’round! Anyway, rhey said no iccream an lil gurlz till I did that, so there! You sea, ‘mocraxy needs me to ah, um, anyway, I ever tell yu how my sin Beau died being a Preme Court judge? Th3 Black guy waz gonna point him then MAGA got jeleaus and had Juminary 66th an he died storming Norman’s Knee! No joke, my word as a…you knoe, the thing!


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