Dems have nothing left to unite them without Trump – IOTW Report

Dems have nothing left to unite them without Trump

WATCH: Cawthorn argues Dems now have nothing left to unite them without Trump in office.

19 Comments on Dems have nothing left to unite them without Trump

  1. Brad, and that’s exactly what President Trump said, “it’s not me they’re after, it’s you. I’m just in they’re way.”. We need a few more of us to wake up and get pissed off.

  2. I do believe that riots will begin again in the Spring.
    They can’t control the beast they unleashed last year.

    It won’t be long until another Floyd or Bre-bre Taylor comes along.
    That may be why the fencing in DC remains.
    They aren’t afraid of passive conservatives.
    They know who does the REAL DAMAGE!

  3. The common thread woven throughout the fabric that makes up the Democrat coalition is self hatred. It manifests in different ways, but it is this self hate that is the common denominator. Self hatred begets envy and envy manifests in motivation to tear down instead of build up. Envy is insatiable because the target of one’s resentment will be replaced the instant they fall. That is if they ever get to the point that the prog no longer views them as having something that the prog thinks themself entitled to, but unjustly deprived of. What they are after is joy and contentment, which they will never experience due to their misdirected efforts.

    Diabolical narcissism is what drives them and the ultimate target of their wrath is God. When/if they can separate an innocent soul from The Good, they feel that they have beaten God, who is the one they envy more than all.

    This makes for a particularly unstable and volatile coalition of malicious, maladjusted malcontents none of which have any true feelings for anyone else irrespective of their continuous and everlasting signaling of how virtuous and benevolent they are.

  4. So I don’t watch the telly at home, because it’s always on while I visit my patients throughout the day. For the past year it is always on CNN, the elderly just can’t turn away from the doom and gloom or perfectly veneered teeth of men with professional makeup artists.

    I’ve noticed we’re not counting COVID numbers now. Also they are trying to fill that gap with the most inane goofy trite anemic pap. Think Bread and Circuses.

    Sorry,you cannot swing from apocalyptic Orange Man Bad 24/7 to Kelly Ripa interviews a woman whose chicken has been laying purple eggs and think no one will notice.

  5. They hate God.
    They hate America.
    They hate civilization.
    They hate “normal.”
    They hate decency.
    They hate morality.
    They hate Physics.
    They hate Chemistry.
    They hate Knowledge.
    They hate Truth.
    They hate Liberty.
    They hate Freedom.
    They hate Life.

    There is much to unite them.
    We must never underestimate their hatreds and the depths of their depravities.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. …they don’t forget who they hate.


    President Trump was just our avatar.

    It is US they tried to make him an example for.

    It is US they want dead.

    (IN the Lord of the Rings, Sam and Frodo overhear two Orcs hunting them fight, then one kills the other with an arrow and runs away).

    “‘Well, I call that neat as neat,’ [Sam] said. ‘If this nice friendliness would spread about in Mordor, half our trouble would be over.’

    ‘Quietly, Sam,’ Frodo whispered. ‘There may be others about. We have evidently had a very narrow escape, and the hunt was hotter on our tracks than we guessed. But that is the spirit of Mordor, Sam; and it has spread to every corner of it. Orcs have always behaved like that, or so all tales say, when they are on their own. But you can’t get much hope out of it. They hate us far more, altogether and all the time. If those two had seen us, they would have dropped all their quarrel until we were dead.'”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

    They hate us far more, altogether and all the time.

    True of Orcs, true of Democrats.

    Never forget that they HATE you.

    Not Trump, not Republicans…YOU. Just because of who you are and what you stand for, and in many cases for no reason other than they were TOLD to.

    But whatever the reason, do not forget that it’s YOU they hate.

    …because THEY certainly will not…

  7. They’re united as long as they have opposition to their
    ideals and agendas, as long as they have a bogey man to be afraid of.

    When the opposition ends is when they start breaking down.


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