Dems Itching to See GOP Senators ‘Block a Black Woman’ Seem to Be Forgetting Some Things – IOTW Report

Dems Itching to See GOP Senators ‘Block a Black Woman’ Seem to Be Forgetting Some Things

RedState: With the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer being made official Thursday by the man himself just one day after some court snitch rushed to the media before Breyer was ready to make it also came the expected news that President Biden would be nominating a black woman in hopes that she would be confirmed and make history in the process.

“While I’ve been studying candidates’ backgrounds and writings, I’ve made no decisions except one,” Biden stated during a press conference earlier with Breyer. “The person I will nominate will be someone with extraordinary qualifications, character, experience, and integrity, and that person will be the first Black woman ever nominated to the United States Supreme Court.”

While a lot of names are being thrown out there as possibilities, including D.C. Circuit Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, who seems to be the odds-on favorite as far as leftists are concerned, another aspect of the confirmation process Democrats are eager to see play out is how many Republican Senators will go on record opposing a black woman for the nation’s highest court.

For instance, Bill Clinton apologist and CNN analyst Joe Lockhart tweeted that he was looking “forward to watching every Republican Senator oppose the first black woman to the Supreme Court” before the midterms.

Daily Beast columnist Wajahat Ali, who was one of a trio of CNNers including Don Lemon and Rick “Confederate cooler” Wilson who participated in the infamous “boomer rubes” segment that mocked conservatives in January 2020, gleefully trotted out the race card he keeps on hand, echoing a sentiment similar to Lockhart’s: MORE HERE

17 Comments on Dems Itching to See GOP Senators ‘Block a Black Woman’ Seem to Be Forgetting Some Things

  1. The Dems WANT the Repubs to fight against the next Justice nominee; to “prove” the Repubs’ “racism” to the nation prior to the Mid-terms. Since she’s replacing a fellow Lib/progressive Justice on the Court, it won’t change the balance of the Court. Don’t think there’s enough upside to battle this nominee.

  2. I expect the Republican Senate judiciary, Grassley, Graham, and also McConnell, to treat Biden’s SCOTUS nominee the same as Dems & Biden treated Bork, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.
    I also hope that Republicans bring up the name of every minority Dems voted against, from Clarence Thomas to Richard Grenell, plus in particular black women nominated by Republican presidents.

  3. Instead of conservatives “objecting!” , instead let them “we want to put forward for Supreme Court nomination Judge Janice Brown, or Candice Owens”.

    Let the DildoCrats be the ones to object to a black female (conservative) Supreme Court jus

  4. So the first “wise Latina” and the first lesbian on SCOTUS worked out so well, what could go wrong with the first retard to occupy the White House making this appointment?

  5. The demonrats filibustered the first Latino nominee to the Supreme Court as well. ‘Memba Miguel Estrada? I mean, he WAS a Bush nominee so he was prolly 😟 anyways. But, still.

  6. Joe Biden aka “that guy” has a very long history of exploiting non-whites, specifically blak and hispanics though mostly blaks. He’s doing everything and anything he can to cover up the fact that he’s a race supremacist and ethnic-cleanser which he made a career of. As covertly racist and sly as LBJ was.

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