Dems’ new jobs program is to keep people jobless – IOTW Report

Dems’ new jobs program is to keep people jobless

By Lars Larson,
NW and national radio host

Time to tell some folks to get back to work.

A surprising number of people have been unemployed for more than a year now.

Congress along with Governors Kate Brown and Jay Inslee have done all they can to draw that out for as long as possible.

Extended unemployment , extra checks for the first months, and a moratorium on paying your rent.

But this year began with more than 7 million available jobs in the United States and now the number stands at 9 million plus. more here

7 Comments on Dems’ new jobs program is to keep people jobless

  1. There are a lot of restaurants now that are limiting capacity and hours/days because they don’t have the staff to remain open. This didn’t happen in our area until a few months ago, now it is pretty common. Also noticed some of the big box stores are suffering. All that is just going to become worse with all these jab mandates particularly when health care employees are forced to leave.

  2. Before I retired I was a member of The Teamsters Union back east. The fake disability claims back then were staggering. Knew a guy that lost his job because he was off with a bad back and some insurance outfit video taped him loading 50# bags of seed or fertilizer to his pickup at Home Depot.

  3. In service to their Dark Prince. This is by design.

    Idle hands make work for the devil. I know this from first hand experience.

    I “worked” tipping draw bridges when I was in college and had a lot of homework to attend to. The other bridge tenders who kept busy were never any problem, the ones that sat there all day smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo, literally, were constant trouble. The guy I replaced was passed out on the floor with his pants around his ankles and a pile of cocaine on the control console. The bridge was up and cars were backed up for five miles in every direction.

    I was making nearly $20/hour and they were as well and they could all tell you how it was they were being screwed. A dog that is in the hunt doesn’t know it has fleas, a Goddamned dog that doesn’t hunt stays busy scratching fleas that only exist in the worthless cur’s imagination. So it is with people.


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