Dems Promise Kung Flu Lock-down – IOTW Report

Dems Promise Kung Flu Lock-down

DanBongino: Biden Coronavirus Adviser Calls for 4-6 Week Lockdown.

I can remember when we were told we had “fifteen days to slow the spread” as if it were only 240 days ago.

Before we know it it’s going to be a year since we heard that phrase uttered, and while states have all opened back up to some extent, crippling regulations are still in place that are posing a major threat to America’s retail and restaurant industries. Both industries disproportionately employ low-skilled workers, and thus it’s the poorest among us suffering the most during this pandemic.

Red States have removed coronavirus restrictions at a faster pace than Blue States, and as a result, unemployment rates are nearly 60% higher in Blue States. Blue States also lead the nation in coronavirus deaths per-capita, perhaps because Red State leaders had the foresight to not mix coronavirus patients with nursing home residents. Many Blue States have kept onerous regulations in place even when they regularly go days without a single coronavirus death.

Cases are once again on the rise in America – and they’re rising even faster in Europe, which previously garnered media praise for supposedly defeating the virus among those in media looking to shame the Trump administration. This time around we have the benefit of hindsight, and know that it’s primarily the elderly and those with preexisting conditions who need to be protected from the virus. Over 50% more people above the age of 85 have died of coronavirus than those aged 0-64 combined. Fewer than 500 coronavirus deaths out of 217,348 recorded deaths (through the end of October) were people age 24 and younger.

When that’s the case commonsense would suggest that it’s those who fall into those venerable demographics that need to take extreme precaution, not society as a whole. Yet under a Biden presidency (God forbid) we’d return right back to a full lockdown – and this time they’re not pretending it’ll only last fifteen days. more

CNBC: New York to impose curfew on restaurants, bars and gyms as Covid worsens across the U.S.

New York will impose a handful of coronavirus restrictions on residents and businesses across the state as it tackles several “hotspot” outbreaks and tries to avoid a surge in cases, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday.

Restaurants and bars licensed by the State Liquor Authority will be ordered to close at 10 p.m. beginning Friday, though they can operate for curbside pickup past that time, Cuomo said on a call with reporters. Gyms will also be forced to close at that time.

“What is a state licensed facility? It’s a bar, it’s a restaurant, overwhelmingly the majority of it,” he said.

The state will also crack down on people congregating inside ahead of the holiday season, banning gatherings of more than 10 people in a private residence, he said.

“What we’re seeing is what they predicted for months,” Cuomo said. “We’re seeing a national and global Covid surge, and New York is a ship on the Covid tide.” read more

14 Comments on Dems Promise Kung Flu Lock-down

  1. Toronto is going 1 step closer on Saturday at 12:01am.
    So much for a conservative premier! (governor)
    The assholes in power get off on telling everyone what to do.

  2. This isn’t going to end till those giving the orders are dead.

    And that isn’t likely anytime soon since most of them aren’t old enough to expect them to be passing on anytime soon.

    And even that has to assume that younger ones with the same intentions and mindsets as they have won’t be the ones that replace them.

    So get used to it.

  3. And they think we’re dumb enough to fall for it twice.

    Open the schools, remove the masks and expose as many as possible as quickly as possible. It’s the only way for people to overcome their fear of it.

    My son had a sniffle for a day and then, about two weeks later, rode in a car with someone who tested positive with no symptoms two days later. Now, he’s in day 5 of quarantine after waiting 8 days for test results. He has no symptoms since the nose sniffle over a month ago. Supposedly, he was exposed over 17 days ago. Nothing.

    Um, yeah, it really is true that many people even in their 30’s get nothing but a sniffle for a day or two with COVID-19. Then their life is screwed over along with their spouses and kids who then have to ‘isolate’ for two weeks and then get tested.

    This country is nuts.

  4. It’s still too many, but the coronavirus deaths alone for a little over 14,000. You get the higher number by counting every death as a coronavirus death which is totally incorrect. Imbeciles at CNN do that. The lower number is from the CDC website. They have a separate category for corona only deaths.

  5. What’s the endgame, Kenneth? They can’t possibly expect to keep this up forever, all over the world. Somewhere, sometime it will end, and it will end badly.
    We’re past the point where they can just say never mind, comrades, all is well now, get back to work…


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