Dems promise to subordinate men if they retake the House – IOTW Report

Dems promise to subordinate men if they retake the House

American Thinker: Democrats are promising that women will be the ones wearing the pants in the House if they get a majority in the November elections.  That’s because not only would Nancy Pelosi become speaker, but 35 women would head major committees and subcommittees.  Voters who think women are better at ruling because of their sex are politically aroused.

Just look at the over-the-top rhetoric:

35 women are poised to lead committees and subcommittees in the next Congress … put[ting] female lawmakers in the driver’s seat[.] … [It would take] take the “Year of the Woman” to new heights of power.

Party leaders are practically giddy at the thought of positioning more women in power[.]  “It is absolutely vital that women leaders take their rightful seat at the table: at the head of the table,” Pelosi told The Hill in an email.

Driver’s seat, heights of power, giddy for power, head of the table – this sounds like a bad reboot of “Abbott and Costello Go to Mars” where fascist women are in charge!

Rep. Rosa DeLauro said that if the girls take over, they will tackle “women’s health care, domestic violence, equal pay, and family leave.”

1. Women don’t get health care?  Or is this code for late-term partial-birth abortions?

2. Aren’t there already laws against “domestic violence”?  Or is Rep. DeLauro talking about increasing deportations of illegal aliens who are guilty of that offense?

3. As for equal pay, does it start in Rep. DeLauro’s office?  Do the men get paid the same as she does?

4. In order to be for family leave, one has to be for families.  Maybe Rep. DeLauro should be more focused on passing an “abortion leave” bill, so women can take time off after unplanning their families.

Another Democratic airhead says women not only have better temperaments, but even smell better than men do.  MORE

15 Comments on Dems promise to subordinate men if they retake the House

  1. These two videos should cover it. We do this, you put the nail in the US Constitutions coffin. We will end up like Sweden in no time.

    How Women Weaken Nations (and why men let them)

    How Women Dismantle NATIONS * / & other UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS

    Witness the demise of the Lutherans and Episcopalians for not heeding 1 Timothy 2:12

  2. Yeah, because brainwashing blacks that they could never have common cause with a white person on any issue, including basic economic survival has worked out so well for blacks. Trying to brainwash women that men are the enemy is really gonna work out well too.

    Democrats = First Class Motherfuckers


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