Dems Reveal the Playbook They Will Use Against Their Biggest Threat – SCOTT WALKER – IOTW Report

Dems Reveal the Playbook They Will Use Against Their Biggest Threat – SCOTT WALKER


Progressives believe that winning can come only from dividing, from alienating and isolating non-mainstream groups. There is no “America” in this view, just racial categories, special interests, and economic classes, all of which are interchangeable levers to be plugged in when necessary for electoral victory. It’s Marxian in its spirit, less about an American people than narrowly self-interested splinters that can be manipulated by a ruling elite.

Sadly, this is a view that can only feed on itself. It has no room to grow, no ability to see beyond its self-imposed limits. It cannot provide an optimistic view of the future, because it cannot see how to transcend the divisions it reifies (and celebrates) to engender something larger.

Ultimately, this is because the progressive vision does not embrace freedom at its core, but rather the technocratic imposition of expertise. There is no real role for the American citizen, other than as the bill payer for socially transformative programs (all of which must be defended without question) and the electoral source of legitimacy for the elites, to whom he turns over the keys to society.

Conservatives, however, ignore the genius of the progressive strategy at their peril. Progressives pretend to defend a united American society while portraying anyone truly interested in empowering citizens as a threat to the larger community as well as to minorities, the working class, pro-choicers, etc.

The GOP regularly falls into the trap of letting the progressive Democrats define the national conversation and then trying to claw its way back to parity. Scott Walker should not make the same mistake.


16 Comments on Dems Reveal the Playbook They Will Use Against Their Biggest Threat – SCOTT WALKER

  1. I think it is a big mistake to think Conservatives need to be liked by the left to win. I want a candidate that is HATED by the left and ain’t worried about it. No lefties are ever going to vote for a conservative, so quit trying to appeal to them damn it! The winner needs to run as a conservative that wants to defeat liberalism and he will win. We vastly outnumber the progs and if the GOP would ever run a true conservative candidate we will win!

  2. Walker is as close as we are likely to get to a real Conservative. You gotta have utopian perfection in your candidates go be a Progressive. They actually believe there is such a thing.

  3. The libs hated Reagan too. He was a stupid, “bonzo”, B movie actor to them, but he was witty and clever enough to put them in their place every time!

    Walker isn’t as entertaining, but they can’t argue with his logic and honesty. Most people are sick and tired of being lied to all the time.

  4. Even Rush today acknowledged the fact that “Walker ain’t all that when it comes to immigration.” I think he’s a weaselly stealth candidate who followed The Huckster’s lead in dealing with Commie Core: just rename it.

    Wisconsin’s Common Core has been renamed “Badger Standards.”

  5. I know of someone from WI (he used to hang out here, but I haven’t seen him in a long time) who did everything he could to help Walker get elected, and now he can’t stand him. He feels he turned his back on the people who helped him get where he is, but I don’t really know exactly what his beef is with him.

  6. @lg12 When Scott Walker was running for office he promised to undo the smoking ban introduced by complete asshole Jim Doyle. That never happened. It took him almost two years to make A decision about the Kenosha casino. (I could care less about it) He has not done too much about unfucking all the damage done to the state by complete asshole Jim Doyle.

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