Dems secure enough votes to block Gorsuch — for the moment – IOTW Report

Dems secure enough votes to block Gorsuch — for the moment

WASHINGTON (AP) – Senate Democrats secured the votes on Monday to block President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, but it was virtually certain to be a short-lived political victory. Republicans have vowed to change Senate rules to put Neil Gorsuch on the court and score a much-needed win for their party.

Delaware Sen. Chris Coons said before a Judiciary Committee vote on Gorsuch that he would vote with his fellow Democrats to block the nomination later this week. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky is likely to change Senate rules so that Gorsuch can be confirmed with a simple majority in the 100-seat chamber instead of the 60 votes now required.

The starkly divided Senate panel weighed Gorsuch’s nomination, with Republicans casting the Denver-based appeals court judge as fiercely independent and Democrats complaining that his testimony “diluted with ambiguity” makes him the wrong choice.

The Republican-led Judiciary panel was expected to back Gorsuch and send his nomination to the full Senate, most likely on a near-party line vote.

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14 Comments on Dems secure enough votes to block Gorsuch — for the moment

  1. once again, the dems insist on making fools of themselves, another big fail

    soon, the left will run out of hand grenades and land mines, and trump will be on a roll, like a locomotive

  2. I sincerely think this is the dems way of keeping Obama surveillance off the front page. It’s just so stupid, and the MSM prints what they are told to print

  3. Schmucles the Clown made a big mistake by staking everything on Gorsuch … next time, when either Anthony Kennedy retires, or Breyer … or Ginsburg croaks … or, heaven forbid, one of those Obama-appointed idiots go … the demonRats have nothing … they’ve already shot their wad … it’s old hat, it’s lame

    … all thanks to Schmucles ….

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