Dems sink to lowest low: Now using Biden’s dead son as the new “bagman” for Joe’s alleged crimes – IOTW Report

Dems sink to lowest low: Now using Biden’s dead son as the new “bagman” for Joe’s alleged crimes

Revolver- As most of you may know, Hunter Biden seemed destined to become the Biden family’s “bagman.” As the second son, he lived in the shadow of his successful and well-respected older brother. Struggling with insecurities and addiction, Hunter was seemingly born with “bagman” DNA, doomed to face failure at every turn. Meanwhile, Beau was Joe’s pride and joy, the son whom he hoped would carry on the Biden name with dignity and respect. Unfortunately, fate had other plans, and Beau passed away at a young age. In his death, Beau has been used as a political pawn by his father to garner sympathy points along the way.

Now, in a bizarre twist, Beau is bing portrayed as the new “bagman” in the Biden family, with Democrats suggesting that he is the reason behind Joe Biden’s alleged crimes. It’s one of the most shameless and disgusting things you’ll ever see, using a dead son as an excuse for wrongdoing. Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino can’t believe what he’s witnessing. more here

8 Comments on Dems sink to lowest low: Now using Biden’s dead son as the new “bagman” for Joe’s alleged crimes

  1. his son, beau, as AG of delaware, did leave his jurisdiction and enter into DC and arrest Larry Sinclair and take him back to delaware for incarceration. There was no extradition- they just did it. At obama’s bidding.
    maybe after this fails, they will blame jill, who raised hunter and taught him everything he knows. she’s a doctor at teaching, don’t you kno?

  2. Beau was a great judge of character.
    He picked a wonderful woman for his wife.

    She did a wonderful job of plowing Hunter over his lukewarm casket after Tequila, a few lines, & some weed.

    Nice family.
    Great example!

  3. I miss Beachmoms comments. Pretty sure she stopped commenting here because some lose screw kept commenting “Fuck You Beachmom”. What a fucking moron. I say we track down the Indian dude that using her name and hang him with piano wire. Any takers?


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