Dems Sound Alarm as Far-left Fringe Takes Over Party – IOTW Report

Dems Sound Alarm as Far-left Fringe Takes Over Party

New American: The Democrat Party is cracking up, but there are efforts underway to bring it back from the brink. As socialist-ruled nations across the Americas implode into violence and mass starvation, the fringe left-wing allies and supporters of those murderous strongmen in America are said to be on the verge of taking over the Democratic Party. Democratic Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are both offered as examples of the “future” of the party. But after tolerating, encouraging, and flirting with the far-left fringe for years, supposedly more moderate Democrats anxious about an electoral pummeling are finally starting to speak out as a quasi-civil war breaks out in the party.

But with self-described liberals making up less than half the party and just one fourth of the electorate, the ultra-liberal Democrat Party may be too far gone to be salvaged. Consider that Communist Party USA leaders openly brag about how they “utilize” the Democrat Party to advance their totalitarian agenda in America. And consider, too, that a number of known communists and socialists were on the Democrat Party’s Platform Committee in 2016. In short, the party is wildly out of touch with mainstream America — and becoming even more so with every day that passes.

Some analysts have suggested that President Donald Trump now has the Democrats exactly where he wants them: Looking like absolute fools on national television praising the regime in Venezuela, seeking to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), calling for open borders, demanding government-controlled healthcare, behaving like fascist savages or overgrown children while terrorizing conservatives, and more. But as self-proclaimed “moderate” Democrats try to bring the party back from the brink of destruction, it remains to be seen who will win out. Plus, by pushing amnesty and mass migration, establishment Republicans could still save the Democrat Party and destroy their own.      But for now, it does not look good for Democrats. 

10 Comments on Dems Sound Alarm as Far-left Fringe Takes Over Party

  1. The mainstream republicans have swung so far left they are filling in the ranks for the democrats. They’re the ones who won’t fund the wall, wouldn’t erase Obamacare etc.
    We have some work to do also.

  2. Most citizens are reasonable. Letting cross dressers into the ladies bathroom, and the whole LBGTQLMNOP junk has most folks turning away. Folks gave Obama an extra 4 years to get it right and he still failed.

  3. Obama erased the existence of the greatest nation on earth and we still do not control the borders…This alone makes him the most effective President since George Washington who helped to form the United States…Obama and his incredible legacy lives on and we are mortally wounded as a Freedom loving, Constitutional Republic. Hussein should not be ridiculed but feared and reviled for what he managed to destroy and set the table for generations of slaves on the horizon existing only to support The State…His statues will not be torn down and will appear everywhere over the next decades..As we tire of the Trump drama and watch him and his family be crushed into despair and ridicule, the Left will have learned a lesson not to allow real elections. By 2020, value based conservative news and messages will be reduced by one third on the road to oblivion and Serfdom..Facebook, Google etc will be the only voices you hear and Socialist propaganda is all that your children will know as Truth…When trump goes, so does America as Obama smiles..The Special Prosecutor and Media were started almost immediately and should be considered a Coup underway while docile normal Americans shake their heads and complain, their future is being murdered.

  4. Don’t forget the 2012 DNC in Charlotte where the majority of the delegates voice voted AGAINST a party platform amendment recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which also mentioned God. Of course, the voice vote was overruled hahaha

    Direct evidence of the direction the Democratic party has gone to….left, left, left, left….everyone marching in lock step one step at a time with their left foot forward….left, left, left, left.

  5. Donald Trump has been proven to be the “not the communists” ne plus ultra. He hated on the “not quite the communists”. He was hated on by the “hey, we don’t call ourselves communists”. The secret police (still LEO, so praise be upon them) ran a vast uni-wing conspiracy against his election. And still he won. And “his” people still can’t get off their couches, let alone put their shoes on, let alone take the streets.

    It looks like it’s the Democratic Socialists’ turn. We’ve met the new boss. He’s “not the same as” the old boss. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. (That’s why claiming to be “not the same as” the old boss, with no proof — for or against — was good enough. Now, it still is.)

    Yes. Yes, I know. It’s red lectroid chess. From the 8th dimension. Wait until the results of the next elections are in. Next year, in Jerusalem.

    When they came for the conservatives, I said nothing, because they got off the couch.


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