Dems suddenly pushing in-person voting – IOTW Report

Dems suddenly pushing in-person voting

NewsThud: Mailboxgate Is Over! Dems Slam On The Brakes Over Mail In Voting.

After weeks of telling the American people it will be too dangerous to vote, Democrats are flip-flopping.


Some say it’s because they are worried that people won’t fill them out correctly, others claim Democrats just discovered there are not enough Absentee Ballot requests from their voters to beat President Trump.

Writer for Axios, Jonathan Swan wrote “The high disqualification rate for absentee ballots poses a special peril for Democrats.”

Axios reported:

Democrats spent the early months of the pandemic urging absentee votes. But as threats of USPS delays, Trump litigation and higher ballot rejection rates become clearer, many are pivoting to promote more in-person voting.

In other words, Trump is right about mail-in ballots.

Around the country, Democrats and operatives are changing their tune. more

16 Comments on Dems suddenly pushing in-person voting

  1. It’s like the Democrats suddenly realized they could be prosecuted for violating the Voting Rights Act’s prohibition of literacy tests for voter eligibility. It’d be a scream if Trump’s DOJ went after their sorry racist asses.

  2. Massive mail in voting backfiring because the USPS is overwhelmed and a outdatted system incapable of assistung to carry out the election fraud the Democrats so desperately need yo “win” the presidency.

    Ballot harvesting has become a disaster. The demwit strategy to undermine a fair and just election by extending the time it takes to count absentee and nail in ballots keeps President Trump (who brilliantly told voters to show up at polling places to make sure their absentee ballot was received) in office until all the ballots are counted. That could take another year. LOL!

    Yes, the Democrats are stupid and can’t follow mail in ballot instructions. Personally heard this from a prominent wealth demwit. We both work assisting voters in our county.

    The left never consider the unintentional consequences of their evil, corrupt plans. It works to conservatives advantage. Let’s hope they continue to never figure it out.

  3. they realized they had no candidate
    they realized they had no vp candidate

    all they’ve relied on are mail-in ballot ….

    & it’s not working out

    these people are not the brightest bulbs in the drawer (Biden-malarkey)
    but seriously, is anyone really scared of a bunch of ’60’s professors that can’t get over co-eds that passed them up & having to bang the Hillary Clintons of their time & 20-year old’s that can’t leave the basement? … this is all the progtard communists are left with …….. it’s over!

  4. you’re chitting me, right? Is that a sarcasm site like The Onion? I dont believe it.

    @99, i heard that if votes havnt determined a winner by Jan 20, the speaker of the house is Pres. Dont know if this is fact though.

  5. Thanks for the correction, Charlie WalksonWater. Yeah, your probably right. Nasty Nance determining who the the next president will be or temporarily president, *shudder*.

  6. @charlie

    the answer is a big fat NO!!!

    Piglousy is up for reelection as well so if the election is nullified she does NOT get promoted, she does NOT get another term, and she does NOT get to keep the speakership position because it will force a “special election” and that is where she will lose big time because it is hard enough to get demoncrats out of mommy-karens basement once to go vote but TWICE…..nope, the dope is more important and the bong is ready so it will be SEE YA to a whole pisspot full of demoncrats and they will once again prove President Trump walks hand in hand with God as yet another evil trick blows up in their faces.

  7. cslamer, you hit upon another big reason they’re backing quickly away from mail-in: The chaos affects every race down-ticket. I was wondering how long it would take them to figure that out, but then these are the same people who are having Jane Fonda hit the campaign trail for them.


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