“Denial Nurse” – IOTW Report

“Denial Nurse”

Weaponized through Electronic Tracking.

CFP: Among the many taglines and slogans, the Marxists are busy inventing, none stands out so bold as “healthcare reinvented.” There is a lot of truth in this tagline as the technocrats are busy reinventing healthcare to better control the population with algorithms.

Never mind that healthcare does not need reinventing, we were doing fine before this global revolution that is determined to turn our lives upside down in every way possible and imaginable– education, health, housing, living, food, travel, commerce, medicine, leisure, and anything that makes life worth living.

The euphemisms and catchy phrases are astonishing

The leftist contingent knows best what is good for us, including health. And all the NGOs associated with the United Nations and the World Economic Forum are busy making things happen while we idly watch it day by day become our “new reality” and “new normal” decided by fake scientists, unelected career bureaucrats, and corrupt politicians.

We pay heavy taxes and prices for the global warming turned Climate Change Industry they invented as well and hope and pray that the total interdiction of fossil fuels will not destroy us, and that a Climate Change Lockdown will not be declared by executive order. MORE

5 Comments on “Denial Nurse”

  1. I don’t have the words to describe my disgust with what’s happened to healthcare in just the last 20 years.

    Actually, I DO have the words, but they’re all pretty foul.

    When I was daily in hospitals they were about saving lives and helping people recover from diseases and traumas of body and mind.

    Now they are an Orwellian nightmare where doctors are rare, medicine is poison, mental illness is celebrated, and surgeons cut off healthy tissue in children and adults to uphold political narratives.

    Obamacare did one thing really well. It drove all the doctora wirh old school ethics to retire, leaving only the ones too fearful of their positions and their own developing skills to challenge Government edicts on any subject of health.

    That is how Fauci was able to use them to poison the entire population of the United States with an experimental poison that they KNEW was unsafe.

    And now they know if they let the government lie die, they themselves can become liable, so they have no chioce but to contine to betray their oath. Its like omerta but with FAR more lives at stake, none of whom either party to the omerta could give a shit about.

    And I saw the cowardice myself when I went to my primary for an orthopedic problem a couple of years ago and he yelled questions at me from behind a face shield and a mask from the furthest corner of the room although I was in no way sick.

    Its even a mass media joke how fearful young doctors have become. I saw something called ‘Scrubs’ where a new doctor actually HID from a Code Blue to avoid his medical responsibility.


    …This is incomprehensible to me, I came up in a world where you sucked it up and DID YOUR DUTY, no matter the butterflies in your stomach or the fear in your heart.

    But it would seem the Communists have very effectively destroyed that.


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