Denmark: 4 ‘migrants’ convicted of skinning a man’s penis – IOTW Report

Denmark: 4 ‘migrants’ convicted of skinning a man’s penis

VOE: Four people have been sentenced to several years in prison for holding down and roughly assaulting a 44-year-old man in Danish Tinglev. Among other things, they flayed the skin of his penis with a sharp knife, Swedish newspaper Expressen reports

The attackers were a 55-year-old man, his brother-in-law and daughter and son-in-law. They are also sentenced to expulsion.

The four of them were first convicted in the district court and last Friday also in the supreme court, where the penalty was increased for one of them.

The attack happened on 1 May 2017. The 44-year-old had started to socialise with the now convicted 55-year-old’s ex-wife. According to the sentence, the 55-year-old was motivated by jealousy when he decided that the 44-year-old should be punished and marked.

He asked his 25-year-old daughter and her 27-year-old husband to help him. In addition, his ex-wife’s brother, who lives in Germany, also participated. Together they sought him out and attacked him.  more here

14 Comments on Denmark: 4 ‘migrants’ convicted of skinning a man’s penis

  1. Muzzloids are just a bit short of empathy, aren’t they? They must sit around the (inbred) family dinner table and think of unique ways to to brutalize actual humans. They are kind like orcs. I would never fraternize with a muzzloid.

  2. Befriend muzzoids at your own risk. They are brought up to make believe they are friends with all non muzzoids. It’s called Taqiyya. So you think they’re your friend, then when your back is turned you get whacked.


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