Denmark offers late night church services – IOTW Report

Denmark offers late night church services

Many are now wondering if American metropolitan areas are next.


Christianity is finding new outlets to survive and thrive in European countries where Islam in on the rise.

In Denmark, churches are opening after dark to attract late-night worshippers.

“One of the night churches, in the western Jutland town of Holstebro, opens from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Fridays — a time when Danes are conceivably more likely to be found in bars or cafés,” reported The Local (Denmark’s news in English).

This allows worshippers an alternative to traditional Sunday service. More than a couple of dozen Danish towns have churches catering to the after-dark crowd.

Will this move help Danish churches continue on in their faith mission — and not fall to the spread of Islam across European nations?  read more

10 Comments on Denmark offers late night church services

  1. Every country that turns its back on God is eventually filled up with muslims. This situation is inexcusable. There should be no reason Catholics fear going into their churches any time of the day. Also, there should be ZERO muslims in any European country. Force them all to leave.

  2. Welcome news. All too often churches in Europe, especially the great cathedrals, seem to be nearly empty, save for tourists. It’s a great alternative for those who, for one reason or another, can’t attend Sunday morning services.

  3. In our secularized culture, it is very difficult for families let alone individuals to have a free Sunday morning to worship.

    So Many workers are working on Sundays in our retail establishments that this sounds like a beautiful idea to try.

    The other part about families is that Sunday may be the only day for them to just relax. That part of life is an important part of the whole idea of Sabbath – the day of rest. As wonderful as worship is, and as important as it is, getting up, dressing up, and they traveling to church is just more than they are willing to commit to on a regular basis.

    This is also a hard choice if only one spouse is a believer.

    I am not judging, only observing.

  4. If you’re not there to provide a safe place for getting to know God and His Will for yer life it doesn’t matter what time you are open.

    Too many churches are open to justify their own methods of worship then to really worship God in a way that honors Biblical tradition. Today’s denominational churches are about getting money to operate, and maintain control of the corporate clergy who are too dependent on those organizations for pensions and health care.

    Church and Worship is doing not being entertained or to be used to promote human ideas and schemes.

  5. I’m currently in Denmark, first time. Speaking with the locals, religion seems to be dying. But i haven’t see any muslims since I’ve arrived here, that I can visibly tell are muslims at least. I fly back tomorrow morning. Can’t wait to be back in Michigan. The first question all these Danes ask me is if I support Trump. I have not met one of them that likes Trump. So I have layed down as persuasive a case as I can for him and they all seem to understand Americans wanted something different, we were willing to roll the dice on Trump. They think he won’t help them, all I can tell them is we didn’t vote for a preseident to help you, we voted for a president to help us… for once. They get it… but they don’t like it. Otherwise, beautiful country and I would definitely come back.

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