Denmark Proposes Law Requiring Migrants to Shake Hands to Receive Citizenship – IOTW Report

Denmark Proposes Law Requiring Migrants to Shake Hands to Receive Citizenship

Breitbart London: The Danish government put forward a bill which would require migrants to shake hands with a municipal official before receiving citizenship — but several leftist mayors have said they will refuse to obey the law even if it is passed in parliament.

John Schmidt Andersen, Frederikssund’s far-left mayor, is one of the local politicians who has said he will ignore the law, saying: “It’s symbolism. It’s not very liberal to force people to shake hands if you come from a culture where you are greeted in a different way.”

The bill will also make attending the citizenship ceremony, which will be facilitated by at least one or more representatives of the municipality in which they reside, mandatory to become a citizen, Swedish broadcaster SVT reports.

Should the new handshake bill pass into law, it would not make Denmark the only country in Europe that could refuse citizenship for the refusal to shake an official’s hand. Earlier this year, in both France and Switzerland, Muslims were denied citizenship for refusing to shake the hands of government officials.  more here

17 Comments on Denmark Proposes Law Requiring Migrants to Shake Hands to Receive Citizenship

  1. John Schmidt Andersen, Frederikssund’s far-left mayor, is one of the local politicians who has said he will ignore the law, saying: “It’s symbolism. It’s not very liberal to force people to shake hands if you come from a culture where you are greeted in a different way.”

    Yes, it IS symbolism. We communicate with symbols. Symbols can be very powerful: Flags are symbols, Eagles are symbols, Crosses are symbols, Swastikas are symbols, and shaking hands symbolizes the fact that the immigrant has left behind the culture where greetings are different and has moved to a new culture where shaking hands is a long-honored traditional symbol of, if not outright friendship, at least the absence of aggressive intentions.

  2. I like it! Yes, it is a symbol, a simple symbol, but it suggests a willingness to belong, to begin anew.

    It is easy to “spot,” and it “says” volumes. …..Lady in Red

  3. It demonstrates NOTHING, Mojo56. See TAQIYYA, the obligation to lie in furtherance of Islam.
    LIR, I’ve got a bridge on the oceanfront in Arizona to sell you.
    Anon, it’s spelled taqiyya; see also kitman.

  4. Meanwhile in Sweden,
    the “Right nationalist” Party, SWEDEN DEMOCRATS,
    looks like it’s going to become ELECTORALLY the SECOND MOST POWERFUL Party.

    HOWEVER: Whether that translates – in a Parliamentary System – into being part of “the ruling Coalition” (unfortunately unlikely) is up for grabs.

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