Dennis Prager: Fiona Hill should be condemned by Jewish groups. She won’t be – IOTW Report

Dennis Prager: Fiona Hill should be condemned by Jewish groups. She won’t be


The former senior director for European and Russian affairs for the Trump administration, Fiona Hill, testified last week in the House impeachment hearings.

At one point, Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Ill., asked her: “Would you say that these different theories, these conspiracy theories that have been targeting you, spun in part by folks like Mr. Stone as well as fueled by Rudy Giuliani and others, basically have a tinge of anti-Semitism to them at least?”

This was Ms. Hill’s response: “Well, certainly when they involve George Soros, they do. I’d just like to point out that in the early 1900s, the czarist secret police produced something called ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,’ which, actually, you can still obtain on the internet. And you can buy it, actually, sometimes, at bookshops in Russia and elsewhere. This is the longest-running anti-Semitic trope that we have in history. And the trope against Mr. Soros, George Soros, was also created for political purposes, and this is the new ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion.’ I actually intended to write something about this before I was actually invited to come into the administration. Because it’s an absolute outrage.”

What is really an “absolute outrage” is that anyone — especially someone testifying in Congress before a national audience — would compare criticism of George Soros with “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” For those unfamiliar with “The Protocols,” they are the most infamous anti-Semitic forgery in history. Believed to have been written by Russian czarist officials in the 19th century, they purported to be a document written by Jews that outlined a Jewish plot to take over the world.

“The Protocols” are a lie, and their sole intent was to create anti-Semitism.

Criticism of Soros is rarely a lie, and its intent is rarely to create anti-Semitism.

George Soros is a billionaire whose Open Society Foundations, with offices in 70 countries, is the world’s major funder of left-wing causes.

If Soros were to come from a Lutheran or Catholic family, there would be no less criticism of him. While it is always possible that some people attack Soros solely because he was born into a Jewish family (he does not identify as a Jew), there are few such people.

Much of Israel’s Jewish population, for example, loathes Soros. Are they anti-Semites? read more

6 Comments on Dennis Prager: Fiona Hill should be condemned by Jewish groups. She won’t be

  1. At best, Soros is a mentally disturbed and twisted individual because of his participation in the holocaust. At worst, he may have been born of Jewish parents, but was “saved” by (gratitude?), raised during his formative years by (and became) a Nazi.

    The Jews ignored and mocked those foresighted individuals who were desperately trying to warn them about Hitler. Many remained in denial right up until they were loaded into the train cars.

    See the writings of my friend, now deceased, Victor Breitburg:

  2. “… certainly when they involve George Soros …”

    Soros? The guy who sold his family to the Einsatzgruppen?
    THAT Soros? He’s a Jew?
    I guess Alfred Rosenberg was a Jew, too?
    Don’t you have to believe in Jewish stuff to be a Jew? Y’know, like Mosaic Law? One God?

    Knock me over widda feddah!

    izlamo delenda est …


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