Dennis Prager: What the left has done to women – IOTW Report

Dennis Prager: What the left has done to women


As I have documented on a number of occasions, the Left ruins everything it touches. There is no exception. From universities to high schools and now including even elementary schools, to late-night TV, to sports, to the arts and, increasingly, science, the Left is a destruction machine.

And nowhere is this damage more evident or tragic than with regard to women.

In fact, nothing demonstrates the power of left-wing ideology as much as what this ideology has done to women. So powerful is leftist ideology, it is more powerful than women’s nature.

Here are five examples:

No. 1: The Desire to Bond with a Man

For all of recorded history, virtually all women sought a man with whom to bond. Of course, a progressive would argue that this was true only because all societies implanted this desire in women or because societal pressure gave women little choice about the matter. It is not, progressives would argue, innate to female nature to yearn for a man.

But whatever the reason — innate nature or societal expectation — it is a fact that women desiring a man was virtually universal.

Then along came modern left-wing feminism, which communicated to generations of young women through almost every influence in their lives — most especially teachers and the media — that a woman doesn’t need a man. In the witty words of one feminist aphorism, “A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.”

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15 Comments on Dennis Prager: What the left has done to women

  1. If not for half of American women being rendered into complete dumb fucks by Western “feminism”, the left would have no sway in this country. It’s the legions of purple haired morons who overvalue their twats and undervalue their integrity who keep the modern democommunist party in power. virtually half of women are hopeless pawns of media and Hollywood driven stupidity. And it’s getting just as bad for young men.

  2. I had a feminist tell me the phrase that “a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.” To which I replied “a bicycle rolls much easier without being burdened by a fish.” That didn’t go over well, so I guess equality wasn’t achieved that day.

    Anyhow, men and women each bring different things to the table, and both need each other. Feminism seems to be much harder on women because women are more emotional about life while men are basically ignorant when it comes to such things. Feminism is actually more liberating for men, who don’t have the societal pressure to provide for women anymore since women can theoretically fend for themselves – leaving men to master the latest X-Box game at their leisure. And, despite what Prager claims in his article, most women seem to want at least one child at some point in their lives while most men want…to master the latest X-Box game at their leisure.

  3. Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk

    And sooner rather than later these ugly women get tired of a piece of plastic with batteries in it. But it’s usually far to late by then.

  4. Satan the destroyer can not succeed without disorder. A good way to de-populate is to keep women fat and medicated. For years I’ve been saying they put something in the tampons

  5. They also managed to make normal, nonsexual interactions between the sexes problematic in the workplace. A man takes his professional life in his hands if he gives a woman an offhand complement, e.g. “You look nice today”, or, “I like that perfume”, as it COULD be construed as sexual harrassment. Which is a shame because many women put effort into their appearance and DO appreciate some acknowledgement of it, but you never know if the woman you complement is one who would, or one who is WAITING for you to so she can have you dragged to HR and make a literal Federal case out of it.

    THis is also an impediment to normal hetrosexual relationships in that many of those bonds can be formed in the workplace. Proxmity is important for attraction to work, and workplace relationships in the past did frequently bloom into love an marriage, but that is simply not permissible in the Democrat wrecked NOW. They would prefer you go to Tindr or, even better, Grindr, to get a “hook-up” than to have a traditional marriage that grows from a relationship that develops over time between similarly situated people of the opposite sex, because they HATE traditional marriages and traditional families because spouses will fight for each other and their children, while hook-ups never will.

    Also too, I have as little contact with women, even female supervisors, for the same reason, and NEVER one-on-one, I follow the Billy Graham rule that I am NEVER alone with a woman I am not related to by blood or marriage. There’s just too much that COULD be said, even if SHE doesn’t have nefarious designs and doesn’t misunderstand something, rumors start if you’re closeted alone with a woman for any length of time about her being your “work wife” or some such, and at my age I simply don’t NEED that shit in my life. It’s a fine line, because if you have TOO little interaction or seem TOO curt with a female supervisor, then it’s back to HR for a lecture on respecting woman bosses.

    So women are in the workplace like never before.

    And they are poison to the men in the workplace, intentionally or unintentionally, just because of the climate Democrats have created. Before it was possible to complement a woman without it being construed as horny, sleazy, or rapey. Now, you are a MAN and men are ALWAYS wanting sex and will rape to get it, and everything they say to a woman that isn’t strictly about the job is probably an attempt to rip her panties off and force yourself into her unwilling body.


    I don’t know how young men get by in this world. I’m glad that’s not MY problem any more.

    Thanks Democrats.



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