Dennis Rodman Discusses NoKo, Gets Emotional About How President Obama Wouldn’t Listen – IOTW Report

Dennis Rodman Discusses NoKo, Gets Emotional About How President Obama Wouldn’t Listen

CTH: Dennis Rodman appeared on CNN to discuss North Korea. A remarkable interview. Around the 04:00 minute point, Mr. Rodman talks about how dismissive and angry everyone was toward him in years past for his contacts with North Korea.

Rodman gets very emotional as he discusses how President Obama wouldn’t talk to him; and he is optimistic that President Trump can help Kim Jong-un lead into a new future for the country and the North Korean people. Mr. Rodman also explains how President Trump reached out to Rodman today telling him to feel a sense of pride for his efforts: more

22 Comments on Dennis Rodman Discusses NoKo, Gets Emotional About How President Obama Wouldn’t Listen

  1. Dennis Rodman, what a crazy son of a gun! I never heard the story of how he ended up going to North Korea in the first place. How in the hell did that happen?

  2. Anyone here remember the line from Gene Hackman in The Bird Cage? Nathan Lane and Calista Flockhart are trying to explain to him that Lane is a man. “I think I’m going insane”, says Hackman.

    Who in a million million years would have ever predicted….

  3. The Worm. One of the best defenders to ever play in the NBA……when I used to watch it.

    You know the left’s heads are going complete thermonuclear right now. Another black man wearing a MAGA hat!!!! BOOOOOOOOOM.

    I love it.

  4. AA

    Not in a million years, but about the time NoKO showed up for the Olympics in party mode it was getting a lot easier to predict. Ironically for me, the last time I really enjoyed the NBA Rodman and MJ were playing together. Nobody ever tougher under the net than Rodman. Loved his playing days. Probably not so much the wedding dress.

  5. I thought at first that the MAGA hat would be a problem for CNN. Then I realized that they probably encouraged him to wear it, thinking it would make Trump look foolish by association. The best laid plans of bitter, hidebound, partisan hacks…

  6. This is kind of interesting. Following Mr. Pinko’s YouTube link I saw another CNN video with the same date, Jan 7, 2014. Titled, “McCain on Rodman: He’s an idiot”, and it won’t play. And I reloaded the page 3x. Maybe it’s more embarrassing for JM in light of today’s events. A different facet of DR than I expected. .

  7. Loved this exchange, stunned that CNN did not edit it! My respect for Rodman has surged way beyond what I ever thought. The whole time the anchor just was trying to trap him to be non-american was so childish. glad cable is becoming a thing of the past, not watched or payed for.

  8. From The Holy Bible; 1 Corinthians 1:27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are,
    29 so that no one may boast before him.
    Although written for and about Christians, this scripture passage could apply to Rodman. I’ve always had compassion for Dennis Rodman. He’s been such a lost, conflicted, tormented soul. Somehow by God’s grace he has been used as an Ambassador for world peace. He’s matured a bit, too. God does work in mysterious ways.

  9. I was all for Rodman going to this meeting if for no other reason than to give Kim a sense of ease. They appear to have developed a genuine friendship {stranger things have happened} and it could only be a plus.
    I gotta stray a little here and say what I think where Trumps true genius lays is how he sizes up people. His instincts are razor sharp in that regard. He was savvy enough to listen to Rodman while others dismissed him {Obama} and now we just may be seeing something we never thought possible.
    Rodman, you did take a lot of grief and now you deserve a lot of credit.

  10. saw this live….actually turned to CNN to see how they would spin the whole North Korea event live and saw Rodman on there, MAGA hat and all. I was shocked they did not cut his mic when he based Obama for ignoring all his outreach and how he got death threats coming back from his meeting. AMAZING times we live in.

  11. The greatness of America lives in its People. Millions of ingeneous intellects, each free to imagine and develop ideas.

    We must follow President Trump’s lead and DISRUPT the horrible mess that our government has gradually become: a ruling class of arrogant oligarchs who expect to control us. That they are nearly all lawyers, vs a diverse group that represents US, is a chief problem.

    IOW, even nutty ballplayers, can contribute greatly in proportion to their love of country.

  12. We are so very lucky that Obama would not listen to Rodman.
    You can bet Obama would have done something stupid like he did in Iran – such as sending Kim planes filled with cash.

    Valjar commanding, “No, Barack Husein Obama, I forbid you to talk with Kim”. Has left this opportunity for a superior president, Trump, to have a shot at making a good deal that actually is helpful to the world.

  13. Snorky1, ” My respect for Rodman has surged way beyond what I ever thought.”

    Same here! I never heard anything about the substance of his visits with Kim. Good for him for keep trying. He finally got a president to actually spend some time listening to him.


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