Denver Furry Convention cancelled over fears of violence and allegations of unpaid taxes – IOTW Report

Denver Furry Convention cancelled over fears of violence and allegations of unpaid taxes

KFI: Organizers of the Rocky Mountain Fur Con canceled their annual Furry gathering in Denver over fears that a group within the Furry community would cause mayhem and violence.

Furries are people who dress up in elaborate plush animal costumes. It’s a strange hobby, but people like it apparently.

A group called the “Furry Raiders” adopted a symbol that consists of a black paw on a red background. The image triggered other Furries, making them think of the Nazi swastika and their objections to the “Raiders” started a clash.

Convention chairman Zachary Brooks said:

“People overreacted. As it got more and more heated, people started talking about beating up people wearing the symbol. They said ‘We’ve got a right to protect ourselves and we are going to bring weapons.’”  




17 Comments on Denver Furry Convention cancelled over fears of violence and allegations of unpaid taxes

  1. I have looked at that paw patch, squinted my eyes, tilted my head, stood on my head and I can’t see a swastika in there. I guess it’s like those pictures they printed in the paper in the 90s that you stared at to eventually see some other image. Forget what they were called

  2. OK, I have a few important questions. Who do we see about licenses? Are there any limits and are they per head or total weight? Are we restricted to necked rifle cartridges or can we use pistol caliber carbines?

  3. A significant number of people planned on traveling to a foreign city (different people, customs, laws), to dress up like cartoon animals, in a very public place. (And, yeah, have freaky costumed inter-imanginary-species sex — hopefully in less public places.) And they were scared off because some of the cartoon animal costumed people had team patches that might be vaguely Nazi-ish — if you were stoned enough. (Coincidence, Denver?) I don’t know if I should be disturbed, or have a glimmer of hope, for the future.

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