Denver Officials Considering Ban on Plastic Bags – IOTW Report

Denver Officials Considering Ban on Plastic Bags

WFB: Denver officials are researching the potential of a plastic bag ban in the city once the newly elected Democratic legislature clears the way.

While the Denver City Council has not formally introduced a bill yet, the comments come as a signal to the new Democrat-controlled General Assembly. Democrats maintained control of the governorship and House of Representatives in the November elections and flipped the Senate.

A decades-old law barred local governments from banning plastic products, a law some cities in Colorado have ignored. Aspen, Crested Butte and Telluride have laws on the books banning bags. Other major cities across the U.S., like Seattle, Portland and Boston, already have banned plastic bags.

“With a new class of legislators going in, there is a lot of hope this will be the year that law will go away,” Denver City Council President Jolon Clark said, according to

Clark said he’s talked with Democratic leadership in the General Assembly and indicated the city council would not introduce a bill until the legislature repealed the law, according to Denverite.

“I think it could open a lot of doors that I am personally excited about,” Clark said about the potential of the General Assembly clearing the way for municipalities to ban bags.  more here

20 Comments on Denver Officials Considering Ban on Plastic Bags

  1. The 800 pound gorilla in the room that the greenies choose to ignore, is the fact that the litter problem was largely solved until the explosion in the number of third world immigrants from countries where roadside litter is a way of life. Coupled with the homeless who leave a trail of crap (literally and figuratively) wherever they go,

  2. Wherever you see this legislation
    proposed you know the place is
    full of the lefty pigs who use
    the streets for their garbage dump.
    It is a “stay away unless you have a snout” notice to normal people.

  3. Just based on weight, paper bags are 7.85 times heavier than plastic. Just based on transporting that around, they will be destroying the environment exponentially faster.

    Why are liberal tree huggers so eager to kill trees and use their dead carcasses for 5-minute disposable tasks? Goddamn murderers.

    Here’s what they aren’t telling you: Paper AND plastic are both highly recyclable. Plastic shopping bags came onto the scene in the 70s to reduce deforestation (murder of trees). Paper uses more than 20 times the amount of water than plastic for recycling, and much more energy just in transportation. As for reusable cotton bags, you would have to take that same single bag on a grocery trip over 130 times to reduce the impact over a single plastic bag. And a lot more than 130 trips if you wash those bags, as you should, unless you like transporting around E.coli.

    Plastic is far more superior, for convenience and the environment. The problem is progressives haven’t figured out how to use a trash can yet. We all suffer because a few birds have plastic bits in their tummies and the progressives cry about it because using a trash can properly is obviously too difficult of a task.

  4. I just read on a lefty website (didn’t know it was) that dozens of countries have banned plastic bags, non-recyclable plastic or plastic altogether in certain categories. This is Denver wanting to be with the utopian “in crowd.”

  5. “I think it could open a lot of doors that I am personally excited about,” Clark said. Just one more step toward total control. I just want to open one door on him, the hangmens trap door. That I could get excited about.

  6. Tom Dually, recently visited public official who works those cities. Suicide rate atrocious. Most victims extremely well educated, living off grandmother’s trust fund, 30s-40s, never had a job, miserable relationships. Some into drugs some into alcohol, some into with both. All liberal.

  7. This will likely end up being one of the least damaging things an all dem congress and leftist gov Polis will do in the next two years. Get ready for higher taxes/fees, TABOR to be badley compromised if not destroyed, more gun grabs (reversing college carrying laws etc), and driving oil and fracking out. Glad I got the hell out of there in 2017.

  8. Austin had a ban on plastic bags for years until the Texas legislature recently deemed the ban in violation of the state constitution. Austin now has plastic bags, again. Don’t mess with Texas!

  9. Around the time I left CA a few decades ago, they were starting a “save the trees, use plastic bags” campaign.
    Leftists do nothing but spin around in circles, and like a tornado, suck the unwary in with them.

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