Denver police union slams mayor’s vaccine mandate, says officers can decide for themselves – IOTW Report

Denver police union slams mayor’s vaccine mandate, says officers can decide for themselves

A Denver police union says officers can make up their own mind. But the city’s public safety manager threatened that disciplinary action will be taken against anyone who doesn’t meet the mayor’s September deadline.

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock announced Monday an order for all city employees to get the COVID-19 vaccine by the end of September.

But the Denver Police Protective Association is pushing back against the mayor’s vaccine mandate. In a statement published by Denverite, the union signaled that its members “can be trusted” to make the personal decision themselves.

“As to the Mayor’s current health order, the Denver Police Protective Association respects and trusts our members with their own choices on how to maintain their health, the health of their families, and the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Denver in a profession that exposes them on a daily basis to violent criminals, as well as multiple contagious and infectious diseases prevalent in our community,” the Denver Police Protective Association wrote. more

5 Comments on Denver police union slams mayor’s vaccine mandate, says officers can decide for themselves

  1. “Denver Public Safety Manager Murphy Robinson told the local outlet: “If you want to work in the City and County of Denver, you will get vaccinated. Public health law is law and so if my personnel decide not to do so, it is a conscious decision and I will take disciplinary action.””

    …WTF is THIS statement?

    Is there a “Public Health Law” in Denver, passed by the council and signed by the Mayor stating this? Is it Constitutional if so? Has it been tested in court? Does it defy Union contracts signed by the SAME PEOPLE?

    ..I know, Blue city in a Blue state in a country run through a witless pedophile by Communists who also own Kavanaugh, Roberts, and at least 5 other SC Justices so they CAN pretty much make up “Muh Law” as they go along, but geez, DPD, you REALLY gonna keep protecting THESE people from the public justice they’ve so richly earned?

    …honestly, the policr are the ones I understand the least, is that pension SO good you’re willing to get vilified, maimed, imprisoned, and DIE for your Communist masters over it?

  2. Clear choice, defy the Mayor, or blue flu.

    Forcing AN EXPERIMENTAL JAB on anyone is a CRIME: Battery.
    Arrest the mayor.
    That hypocrite locked down Denver then embarked on a gay vacation frolic to Meheeco. So, DPD will allow him to do this to them??

  3. I just watched The Killing Fields last night on one of our local PBS channels. I hadn’t seen it in over 20 years and if that movie isn’t a damning indictment of the evils of communism and what it did to the Cambodian people after Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge seized power during the mid 70’s I don’t know what is. This is what we are in for people if the evil commie bastards in our govt. and media and other institutions ever gain full power and control over the American people and seize power thru a coup or some other means of destroying America and it scares the hell out of me. I will not comply and I will fight these bastards any way that I can in order to restore what’s left of a free America. Pray, and ask God to intervene and at the same time man up and be willing to take a stand for freedom even if it costs us our lives, liberty and sacred honor like it did our forefathers who founded our country nearly 250 years ago. I know there is a lot of liberal BS in The Killing Fields but it still is a powerful movie about what communism can and will do if they ever gain total control of our country. Let’s not repeat the same mistake the Russians did 100 years ago and lose our country and our lives because we forgot and neglected God.

  4. “Legal Action” should be taken against anyone or any entity which engages in medical assault and health policy-making upon employees/citizenry. Notice also that numerous politicians and other grasping entities have jumped on the scammy cv vaxx investments bandwagon to add to their wealth and/or higher political station, as seen with NYC mayor de blasio’s otherwise comical dreams for higher office which he recently and laughably tried to convince the rest of nation of.

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