Denzel Washington to Black America: Stop Blaming the Prison System, ‘It Starts at Home’ – IOTW Report

Denzel Washington to Black America: Stop Blaming the Prison System, ‘It Starts at Home’


Breitbart: Veteran actor Denzel Washington says his latest role as a dogged defense attorney in Roman J. Israel, Esq. reinforced his belief that black men “can’t blame the system” because we make it “easy work” when it comes to filling America’s prisons.

“It starts at the home. It starts at home. It starts with how you raise your children. If a young man doesn’t have a father figure, he’ll go find a father figure,” the Academy Award-winner told reporters at the Dan Gilroy-directed film’s New York premiere, the New York Daily News reports.

“So you know I can’t blame the system. It’s unfortunate that we make such easy work for them,” Washington said. read more

SNIP: When do you suppose he will be forced by the PC police to apologize for this?

27 Comments on Denzel Washington to Black America: Stop Blaming the Prison System, ‘It Starts at Home’

  1. Now that the Black community will have their own representation in the English Monarchy things shall change.

    I was banned from comments on the Daily Mail because I wrote “dindo” about a guy who was sentenced to death and they’re trying to defend. But, today I couldn’t resist and had to go their site to see how the snooties were reacting to Harry’s engagement. It’s glorious!!!

  2. Well, this isn’t the “conversation” Holder accused us “cowards” of not wanting to have, but it is definitely the one that should have taken place during the obama nightmare.

  3. I don’t think this is a change of tune. He has always been a quiet and honest guy. I remember him giving money to wounded veterans and him visiting them without news coverage. He is a good person and I think he, for some reason, feels he can now speak out. Like Ben Carson, he has no dirt in his back ground.

  4. @conservative cowgirl, last time I checked there were 7k comments on one article! LOL!!
    Then there was another article about her redneck family with even a mugshot! I can’t stop laughing!!

  5. @Val, LOL, the same people who think Chuck is Harry’s daddy are in the same state as those who think Chelsea is Bubba’s child.
    Momma’s baby, Daddy’s, maybe.
    De Nile

  6. I don’t think you’ll see Denzel Washington back away from any statement. Right from wrong, good from bad, discipline, respect, work ethics and many other admirable characteristics start at home.

    Prison are filled with criminals, they broke the law, tried, found guilty and were incarcerated.

    It has nothing to do with ethnicity.
    Do the crime, do the time.

  7. Denzel Washington is a decent guy and has always had some conservative views. Can’t blame Denzel for not speaking out until now. He knew he could be kicked out of Hollyweird and possibly jailed when the despot Obama was president. Denzel’s a senior citizen, his children are grown, he has made his mark as an actor and President Trump has inspired his conservative leanings. He probably thinks he can handle leftist backlash – doubtful. Hope he can, but the left’s vicious behavior will make him recant at some point for his own safety.

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