Department of the Interior Officials Paid $6 Million While Facing Misconduct Investigations – IOTW Report

Department of the Interior Officials Paid $6 Million While Facing Misconduct Investigations

DailyCaller: Department of the Interior (DOI) officials were paid $6 million while on extended administrative leave – often while under investigation for misconduct – without documented approval, a government watchdog reported Wednesday.

The $6 million went to 242 DOI employees on administrative leave for at least 45 days between January 2013 and July 2016, the agency’s Inspector General (IG) reported.

“DOI did not sufficiently document decisions made regarding the use of extended administrative leave, resulting in inefficient management and oversight,” the report said.

“If DOI management does not appropriately maintain documentation … DOI cannot demonstrate that it has properly managed its use of extended administrative leave or that it has not wasted taxpayers dollars by paying employees not to work.”

9 Comments on Department of the Interior Officials Paid $6 Million While Facing Misconduct Investigations

  1. Last night I listened to a speech by Newt Gingrich to Cornell University (Cornell Republicans) in which he used the example of Trump and the Wolman(sp?) ice rink as the best example of how Trump works. He said Trump got fed up with the delay and cost of fixing the rink, attacked the mayor in the press for it and when given the opportunity to fix it himself, realized he knew nothing about ice skating rinks. So, he asked himself, “Who knows more about ice skating than anyone else? The Canadians!” More specifically, the Canadian hockey ice arena builders. (I think everyone knows this story.) But the method Gingrich wanted to impart was that though Trump may know much or little about the task at hand, he will always go to the people or person who knows the most about the task at hand for advice, direction, or he’ll just hire them. All the people he’s placed so far are world class people. Not a stupid, pocket-lining pol in the lot. Every department will be organized and run like a profit center — with a budget. And the first order of business will be to see where the money is being spent, then to answer 2 questions: Is it good for America and Americans or is it bad?

    First the billions dollar fraud being uncovered at HUD in the past couple weeks, now the DoI. We’re going to be hearing a lot of these stories and it’ll make us sick when the totals are tallied. As Trump and Pence have said recently, things are a lot worse than ever imagined. But once this house gets cleaned out there will be a fairly clean baseline upon which to build a realistic budget and cut taxes.

  2. DoI Secy, Ryan Zinke’s resume is so good it’s a little frightening. If you haven’t seen his bio, recommend you look into it. This former Seal Commander won’t let this kind of stuff continue.

  3. after trump it’s back to business as usual if we elect another career politician for potus!

    who will be the next successful businessman to step up and take the reins after trump?

  4. Can you imagine being the CEO of a company and meeting with your C-level guys and gals only a couple times a year? Unless they are all meeting with each other on a regular basis to strategize and create an overall mission plan and then execute that plan, what you’d have is an organization that existed for the benefit of individual fiefdoms. That’s what obama did to the Executive branch departments.

    Now Trump’s got Mike Mulvaney at the head of the OMB and anybody who has listened to his confirmation hearings knows the guy is razor sharp and thinks around corners when it comes to finance and budget. Woe unto all those fraudsters hiding out in the various departments thinking they’re going to be undetected.


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