On Friday, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) rescinded a 2018 directive that agreed to provide treatments for so-called “transgender” veterans, following an executive order from President Donald Trump declaring that the government would only recognize two genders.
As Fox News reports, the memorandum from the VA says that the department “will conduct a comprehensive review of care with respect to trans-identifying Veterans and will undergo the rulemaking process to revise the medical benefits package as deemed necessary; however, this rescission does not affect existing clinical guidance.”
The VA further confirmed that it will not provide any form of so-called “gender-affirming” treatments, including surgeries and cosmetic changes. Such surgeries will remain unauthorized by the VA, as they have not been determined to be a medical necessity. MORE
might make more $$$ available to treat vets with real injuries & illnesses instead of faggot bullshit
Court injunction in …3…2…
No mention of total cost savings involved!
I agree with the policy, but I’m curious: how many veterans want “gender affirming medical care?” For Americans overall, my brief research indicates that between .6% and 1.6% identify as transgender; the percentage of military veterans who identify as transgender should be much smaller and the percentage of veterans who are willing to medically try to change gender should be smaller still. The VA estimates that less than .1% identify as transgender.
My belief is that this issue is more of a mental disease than anything else. But if you think you are a woman trapped in a man’s body, I don’t know why you would join the military in the first place.
i might go back there, after i’m sure their dindu bullshit has been flushed
the assholes joined up so they could get you to pay for it
Wyatt: “ But if you think you are a woman trapped in a man’s body, I don’t know why you would join the military in the first place.”
For the free trans surgery, of course!
^^^^Spend a couple of years, at least, in the military just so someone could remove your johnson at no extra cost? That doesn’t sound like a good bargain to me.
^^^I agree; I’ve grown very attached to mine.
From now on, you’ll just have to sit on a landmine.
Now, get rid of the fag flags from VA hospitals.
Gomer Pyle in a People Magazine interview: Well, I fell in love with my Drill Sargent back in 1966. I used to love the way he kicked my ass. Absolutely loved it.
We met many times over the years. Finally he told me we could be lovers if I had a sex change operation. Well, whaddya know, the VA paid for it back in 2019. and as soon as I healed, we had a lovely wedding.
Now, he both kicks and kisses my ass. We’re so happy and in love!