Dept. of Justice can’t withhold grants from ‘sanctuary’ cities, judge rules – IOTW Report

Dept. of Justice can’t withhold grants from ‘sanctuary’ cities, judge rules


A federal judge issued a ruling Friday that blocks the Justice Department from requiring cities to cooperate with federal immigration authorities in order to be considered eligible for federal law enforcement grants.

The ruling blocks nationwide enforcement of two of the three new conditions the Justice Department sought to impose on jurisdictions seeking funds through the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant, which doles out nearly $400 million to state and local agencies each year.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced new stipulations in July as a means to ensure that local jurisdictions were cooperating with federal immigration agents and not working to shield illegal immigrants from deportation.

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16 Comments on Dept. of Justice can’t withhold grants from ‘sanctuary’ cities, judge rules

  1. OK, fine, some judge says grant funds can’t be blocked by the justice department.

    Since sanctuary policies violate Federal law, the officials (mayors, police chiefs, etc.) should be arrested, perp-walked, jailed, charged, tried and convicted. Simple! The cities keep their grant money, which they can then use to hold special elections to replace their mayors, police chiefs, etc. (Try to do a better job next time.)

  2. Damn right, judgeroybean. And I don’t recall a fed judge ever telling the IRS it couldn’t target and harass conservative groups, either.

    PDT, tell the mortuary cities that they have a few more regulations to comply with and a few more diversity forms to complete before the checks can be cut.

  3. One senile old 80 year old judge gets to dictate national immigration policy? How about you go fuck off? How big is your army, dude in a black dress? We don’t care what you think. Really. It’s none of your business.

    If the left thinks they can stack the courts and override the will of the people they are mistaken.

    Ignore this idiot. He’s just a dude in a black dress appointed for life.

  4. Apparently the guy was appointed by President Reagan; his opinion was that you can’t change the conditions of the grants once they have been made available; the ruling was based on his belief that it was highly likely a court would have overturned the DOJ policy, therefore injunction granted pending adjudication.

  5. ignore the sob. Just try to force the DOJ to fund your illegal policies. The pols that made the decisions to cherry pick what laws they want to enforce should be arrested and charged with dereliction of duty for one and/or treason for failing to enforce the legal laws of the land.

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