Derek Chauvin requests new trial – IOTW Report

Derek Chauvin requests new trial

In an 82-page brief, Chauvin’s attorney, William Mohrman, argued that it was impossible for his client to get a fair trial in Minneapolis amid the tense climate surrounding the proceedings and the pre-trial publicity.
He said the media coverage of the case “glorified Floyd and demonized Chauvin.”

11 Comments on Derek Chauvin requests new trial

  1. It will FOREVER be impossible for him to get a fair trial.

    Nonetheless, he will be granted one. Very soon.

    As soon as the Democrats decide we’re close enough to the elections to whip up some more anti-White sentiment and burn some more cities to distract from and facilitate yet another series of electoral thefts.

  2. Mostly Peaceful Protest fatigue has set in even in places like Freettle and Protestland, but the prog army doesn’t recognize it. They will use this as pretext to riot and expect the same support they garnered the last go round, but even the screwball rank and file leftists are starting to wake up and smell the coffee.

  3. My area had 3 cops kneeling on a naked psychotic Mexican kid until he died 2 years ago. Not a peep from the MSM although all three are awaiting trial for homicide.


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