Dershowitz: Flynn Plea Is ‘A Show of Weakness’ for Mueller – IOTW Report

Dershowitz: Flynn Plea Is ‘A Show of Weakness’ for Mueller

Breitbart: On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz argued that former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s guilty plea is a “show of weakness” for Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Dershowitz said, “Well, the last thing any prosecutor wants to do is to have to indict his primary witness for lying. Because if you indict your witness for lying, it really means he’s not useful as a witness, he has no credibility. I’m sure the prosecutor was trying to indict him for some scheme or conspiracy that involved other people in the White House, but there is nothing there, and he had to, finally come down and indict him for lying, which makes him a useless witness. So, this is not a show of strength by the prosecutor. It’s a show of weakness. It’s a show that they really have nothing on anybody above of Flynn and that Flynn made the terrible mistake about lying about something he could have told truth about. Because the two things he lied about were perfectly lawful and perfectly proper for somebody to do during the transition. And so, I think it really reflects a weakness, not a strength in Mueller’s prosecution.”  read more

5 Comments on Dershowitz: Flynn Plea Is ‘A Show of Weakness’ for Mueller

  1. What is even weaker is that everybody already knew that Flynn lied, hence why Trump ended up firing him to begin with. It’s no bombshell revelation. A first year law student could have gotten an indictment.

    Plus the press drooling with the comment “Flynn said he would cooperate fully with the investigation” is an absolute joke. Like this means he is spilling all the imaginary beans nobody could find evidence on. Duh, what is Flynn going to say? I refuse to cooperate like Eric Holder on “Fast & Furious”? I take the 5th like Lois Lerner on the IRS scandal?

    Mueller can’t even pick low hanging fruit, he’s gotta scoop up the rotten drop offs on the ground.

    Do you liberals want a small or large fries with your nothingburger?

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