Dershowitz: If Julie Swetnick lied, she should be tried for perjury and sent to prison – IOTW Report

Dershowitz: If Julie Swetnick lied, she should be tried for perjury and sent to prison

WaEX: Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Tuesday that every one of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick’s claims should be investigated by the FBI for possible perjury after she appeared to walk back her sworn statements in an interview Monday night.

Dershowitz called Swetnick the “most important subject” of the FBI investigation into allegations against Kavanaugh, claiming that women have been able to lie or falsely accuse men and “get away with it. They don’t go to prison.” Dershowitz said that President Trump was “absolutely right” in his comments on Tuesday when the president said it is a “very scary time for young men in America.” Dershowitz said that “young men” and “young women” were vulnerable to “too many false accusations of sexual assault.”

Swetnick is represented by Michael Avenatti, who also represents porn star Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against Trump. Dershowitz claims to have asked Avenatti to waive “lawyer-client privilege” so that the FBI could potentially get to the bottom of Swetnick’s story and even try to find out if Avenatti helped Swetnick fabricate parts of her statement.  more here

13 Comments on Dershowitz: If Julie Swetnick lied, she should be tried for perjury and sent to prison

  1. ……”She should be tried for perjury and sent to prison”.

    There’s a lot of people that ‘should’ be in prison but I don’t see any threat of that happening any time soon.

  2. Dershowitz is very liberal, but he does know the law and is honest enough to state the obvious. If only the Harvard alumni and current crop of ambulance chasers were like him, maybe HLS wouldn’t be a sham.

  3. TO LCD
    It’s the pattern: first, the Rhode Island accuser (who recanted),
    then Swetnick (who’s since said she isn’t sure),
    AND FORD (and her Vocal Fry).

    Triple Crown of Democrat fraud.

    Gonna be a *fun* 5 weeks ’til election!

  4. “This becomes a very important educational moment,” Dershowitz said. “Because we have to teach the women of the world and the men of the world that there is no genetically-linked aspect of telling the truth. That women make up stories out of whole cloth about alleged events that never occurred and that’s why it’s so important.”

    It is true that women make up stories. 4 dentists accused of raping a woman in Las Vegas were found not guilty. Women lie all the time. Every woman and man caught lying should go to jail and lose any assets they have.

  5. Manchin and Flake will vote for him. That’s 50, plus Pence to break the tie.

    And Donnelly of Indiana just dug his own grave by vowing to vote against Team Kav.

  6. Talk about liars:

    Crystal Magnum, the Duke Lacross liar, was protected from consequences because black, female. Deemed mentally ill EONS after the accused spent millions of dollars for defense, had their lives ruined, education interrupted, families, destroyed. FOR LIES! LIES!

    Crystal Magnum is finally in prison for murdering her boyfriend. Never, nothing for perjury.

    The NC president of the NAACP still insists “SOMTIN’ HAPPEN”. No shame, none.

    Each and every one of Brett’s accusers must pay the penalty for perjury, if not it’s OPEN SEASON on every man and boy in this country.

  7. Oh! Yes, please! May I please, oh I sincerely beg on my knees, be gifted the opportunity, the honor and the privilege, to have members of The Party, in Good™ standing, have members of The Party, in Good™ standing, tell me that they have Goodified™ The Party’s standing, so it is now Good™ enough, Good™ as it ever was, for me to be gifted the opportunity, the honor and the privilege, of serving The Party, in any way they deem Good™?

  8. When bad behavior is given a pass and not forced to suffer negative consequences. More bad behavior is endorsed and encouraged. Sadly, I don’t expect there will be any investigation or prosecution of Julie S or anyone else.

  9. Y’know … it’s kind of funny … blah, blah, blah about “lying” to the Senate … but nobody says shit about the Senate lying to us!

    “Sauce for the goose …”

    Let’s make a deal: Death Penalty for public liars – on EITHER side of the political divide – public “servant” or public financier (taxpayer).

    How bout it? Eliminate the bullshit.
    Just do it!

    izlamo delenda est …

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