Dershowitz : Locking Up Manafort Before A Trial Is ‘So Obnoxious To Our Constitution’ – IOTW Report

Dershowitz : Locking Up Manafort Before A Trial Is ‘So Obnoxious To Our Constitution’

Alan Dershowitz went off on MSNBC Friday, saying that the idea of locking up Paul Manafort without trial to be “so obnoxious to our Constitution.”


8 Comments on Dershowitz : Locking Up Manafort Before A Trial Is ‘So Obnoxious To Our Constitution’

  1. EXACTLY what I was thinking yesterday as I heard this news. Was flabbergasted that I wasn’t hearing the talking heads on the radio weren’t making this point. How can he be in jail, when he HASN’T BEEN CONVICTED???!!!

  2. He’s at the mercy of a political hack who’s wildly out of control and simply needs somebody’s pelt to justify all his money squandering and abuse. His corrupt farce is very clear for the public to see.
    When does he face justice for this criminal prosecution?

  3. Gestapo tactics. Mueller is a menace. Every dirty prosecutor is a threat to our Rule Of Law.
    Mueller’s entire team should be indicted for his nonstop felony leaks of grand jury info, for starters.
    And kept in jail, no bond, until their trials.
    Let the rats turn on each other from their Federal cells.

  4. Pre-dawn no-knock raid with guns drawn on an elderly couple. Flip the apartment. Indict him on three separate occasions. Tossing him in the crowbar motel and intentionally leak info to the press to scare associates.

    The evidence is in. Mueller used his special investigation powers to try and settle an old score and is taking tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to do it.

    I don’t care for Manafort at all but Mueller could make Al Capone look like a victim.


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