Dershowitz says it would be an ‘honor and privilege’ to defend Trump if Dems try to impeach again – IOTW Report

Dershowitz says it would be an ‘honor and privilege’ to defend Trump if Dems try to impeach again

Alan Dershowitz, the high-profile liberal Democratic attorney who was on President Trump’s legal team during his impeachment and acquittal last year, said on Friday that he would be willing to defend the president again if the House goes through with its threatened impeachment less than two weeks before he is set to leave office.  

Dershowitz said that he doesn’t believe that Trump committed an impeachable offense and “I would be honored to once again defend the Constitution against partisan efforts to weaponize it for political purposes,” he told The Hill.  more

14 Comments on Dershowitz says it would be an ‘honor and privilege’ to defend Trump if Dems try to impeach again

  1. Republicans should have been on the attack, not defense.
    How much of this is kabuki theater, while the U.S. is enslaved to global communists.’
    Trump should have invoked the Insurrection Act the day after the blatant and IN YOUR FACE stolen election.

  2. Point of order. Question of standing. If a litigant of the article is shot in the head after the filing does the recently deceased still have ‘standing’ in the case? I’ve looked at case law and have not found clear guidance.

    I’m constantly pestered with questions from people who haven’t even bothered to read the Constitution but I have to admit, this one caught me off guard.

    Anybody know?

  3. Has anyone stopped to wonder why They want to impeach, again, at this point in the Game?

    It’s because, ‘They’ think he could actually BE the POTUS on 1/20/21.

  4. When I was a Democrat, decades ago, guys like Dersh were the rule, not the exception. And now, Republicans to the left of Dersh are the rule, not the exception. I have no party anymore.


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