Dershowitz: The Number of Witnesses Mueller ‘Has that Are Credible Are Shrinking by the Day’ – IOTW Report

Dershowitz: The Number of Witnesses Mueller ‘Has that Are Credible Are Shrinking by the Day’



DERSHOWITZ: “I predicted this on Sunday when I said that Mueller is not going to be able to use Manafort because he is a proven liar. You can’t put a liar on the witness stand, just like he won’t be able to use Corsi or anybody who he got to plead guilty to perjury or lying to an FBI agent. You know, the number of witnesses that he has that are credible are shrinking by the day.”

16 Comments on Dershowitz: The Number of Witnesses Mueller ‘Has that Are Credible Are Shrinking by the Day’

  1. …doesn’t matter. Muller is just biding his time until the House is in Democrat hands again, then ANYTHING he releases will be used to impeach the President. Impeachment is a POLITICAL process, NOT a legal one, with the definition of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” being intentionally vauge, so ANY excuse will do. Yes, it might – MIGHT – be defeated in a Senate trial, but the Democrats will COMPLETELY grind the Nation they hate to a halt in the mean time, all the while while beating their breasts about how this means the Trump Presidency is REALLY illegitimate, and was saved only by “partisan Republicans”. There’s enough stupid people that will believe them that, when added to the illegals, dead, and crazy voters may well let them ride that horse to a 2020 complete victory. So, credible doesn’t matter. Its politics über alles.

  2. Mueller’s TLDR:
    Although Trump is associated with some people who are as unsavory as the Clintons, there was no Russian collusion.

    We tried to derail his agenda as long as we could.
    Thanks for the $20M that my staff will promptly donate to Democrats.

  3. SUPER

    Mueller IS NOT A DEMOCRAT! The liar making him FBI head WAS NOT A DEMOCRAT!
    It is not the Democrats who hate America it is THE UNIPARTY. Rove + Bush are NOT DEMOCRATS!

  4. …I don’t materially disagree with what you said, @an ol exjarhd, but I never said that Mueller or those controlling him were Democrats, only that the House Democrats will have the starring role in the “screw America -‘peach foty fie” theatre while basing their crap on Mueller’s sham “work”. I do not speak to the Uniparty support for it, which there IS, only that the Kabuki theatre calls for the Democrats like Maxine and Nancy to be the visible attack dogs.

    Stymieing the President for two more years then making his manufactured “election defeat” in 2020 LOOK legit will satisfy BOTH sides of the Uniparty. Then, President Hillary will unleash the REAL wrath, and folks will forget all about ol’ Mueller…

  5. …also, @an ol exjarhd, that’s why I say he MIGHT survive an impeachment trial in the Senate. Mathematically, he SHOULD have enough votes to make it a moot point, but REALISTICALLY there MAY be enough traitor “republicans” to have him removed and start the Civil War right THERE…

  6. Mueller’s credibility is shrinking
    He’s a disgusting political pig
    trying to keep himself henceforth employable
    even though he can’t accomplish his
    current assignment to destroy President Trump.

    He cannot do it otherwise his orchestrated leaks
    would have told you about it.

    Mueller is a failure trying to hold on to
    his last steady paycheck before annihilation.

    Mueller will become forever unemployable
    after this supposed ” investigation .”

    He will be remembered only

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