Dershowitz Visits White House, Has Dinner With President Trump – IOTW Report

Dershowitz Visits White House, Has Dinner With President Trump

Daily Caller: Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz reportedly visited the White House on Tuesday and had dinner with President Trump.

“Some news – Dershowitz has been at the White House for part of today as Trump seeks his input, and he’s supposed to have dinner with the president tonight, per WH sources,” New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman tweeted.

Dershowitz has stood out among liberals as a harsh critic of Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

“I don’t think he cares whether he hurts Democrats or Republicans. But he’s a partisan and a zealot,” Dershowitz told New York’s AM 970 of Mueller on Monday.

In an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity Monday night, Dershowitz also described the FBI raid of the home and offices of Michael Cohen as “an attempt to squeeze” the Trump attorney. more here

SNIP – I wonder  if they discussed Jeff Sessions.

14 Comments on Dershowitz Visits White House, Has Dinner With President Trump

  1. DJT would be smart to listen to Prof. H. His commentaries on Fox News offer Trump a solid pathway to counter Mueller’s nonsense. Dershowitz may be a liberal but he’s a brilliant man of law and has made tremendous sense in his commentaries.

  2. Maybe Trump is eyeing him to replace Mueller. It would be a brilliant move if he were to agree to it. The libs would go into a blind rage. Dershowitz would be fair even with his liberal slant and the left would be flummoxed.
    The best part is that it would be typical Trump, with hilarious results.

  3. I hope Trump hires Dershowitz to one of his attorneys and have him go after Mueller, challenge every move Meuller makes (or made), dig up Mueller’s skeletons and set them on fire.

  4. the rule of law has gone bye bye, what have we got citizens of our once great nation ?

    any sense of duty to country to remedy this gross miscarriage of justice being flaunted in our faces daily ?

    expecting your “do nothing” corrupt congressmen to uphold the law is apparently a lost cause.

    it seems they are leading this charge into lawlessness.

    you cannot assume that they are ignorant of all the conflicts of interest surrounding the persecution of Trump.

    if we simple citizens can figure out what is going on then they can too.

    imagine citizens doing nothing but sitting back and watch while the professional lying politicians try to remove their choice for potus.

    Donald Trump needs our physical support.

    or are we going to let him fight our battles for us all alone ?

    “it wasn’t unusual to see those who were caught in such treachery were taken hold by angry groups of citizens to a place near the center of town, then followed by a act of public humiliation towards the corrupt government official; hot tar was poured over him and feathers as well were then dumped all over him as well. As if the man caught in wickedness wasn’t humiliated enough, he was lastly run out of town on a rail and warned never to return.”

    all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to sit back and do nothing.

  5. All seriousness aside.. Dersh is no fan of Trump… but he’s a bigger fan of the constitution and the law…

    He knows a railroading kangaroo court when he sees one…

  6. It doesn’t take a lawyer to see all the lawlessness.

    Mueller went off his leash many moons ago.
    Anyone checked if he foams at the mouth?
    Who has ever run with no limits?! Remember all the critics of Ken Starr?

  7. Dershowitz is an old-school liberal, much like Zel Miller was. Ideology comes in second to the Constitution in his world. If DJT was smart he’d use Der as a weapon to counter Mueller by taking his advise to heart and even retaining him, if necessary.

  8. Remember a few days ago, when they were longing for the old days of Obama and his sophisticated, intellectual dinner guests, instead of Trump and his moron guests eating steak and ketchup?


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