DeSantis Hosts D.C. Fundraiser at Dominion’s Lawyer’s Office – IOTW Report

DeSantis Hosts D.C. Fundraiser at Dominion’s Lawyer’s Office

National Pulse:

Would-be GOP nominee Ron DeSantis is hosting a fundraiser at the offices of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, one of the top D.C. lobbying firms who served as lawyers for Dominion Voting Systems, and count amongst their top directors Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s former chief of staff.

The event will take place on June 23rd, in Suite 1200 at 1155 F Street NW – otherwise known as the offices of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, which also famously dropped the Republican National Committee as a client in a lawsuit against the Democrat Party’s Jan 6 Committee.

One of the key names on the invite is Marc Lampkin, a lobbyist for the firm with links to the Chinese Communist Party, as well as Big Pharma and the puberty blocker industry.

Critically, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck boasts of representing Dominion Voting Systems, stating on its website:

h/t RCA

47 Comments on DeSantis Hosts D.C. Fundraiser at Dominion’s Lawyer’s Office

  1. This idiot’s a total sold out piece of shit. And 99% of true conservatives know it. A very weak personality. I mean WTF? He’s an amateur at best. Next ting you know he’s going to show up with that Jebby cross eyed bull shit. What a disappointment.

  2. Get ready for MSM to start promoting him him as the savior of the day. He’ll promise to fix the border, curb inflation, and bring justice to congress, the DOJ, the FBI…..

    I still wish they would invent a Pinocchio drug.
    Just imagine all of them trying to walk around congress.

  3. Wait to you hear who Trump endorses, hires, and votes for all his life.

    Meanwhile, Trump goes on Fox News, after bashing Fox News, and admits to wrongdoing to Bret Bair. What a fucking dumbass.
    Trump’s lawyers likely jumped out of Trump Tower after watching that train wreck.
    DeSantis just existing is rotting the old man’s brain.

  4. I could post a video of Trump at the WEF praising Klaus Schwab, an evil Bond villain if there ever was one, so this game is very tiresome.

    BTW, perhaps Trump should take a page out of DeSantis’ playbook since he has WON EVERY ELECTION HE’S RUN IN…

  5. Hmm, how do the recent polls look again. Admit it. You never had a strong male role model growing up which contributes to your inability to spot grifter politicians. You’re batting 1000. You exclude the truth like your average Libtard. What’s your goal here anyway?

  6. The sad fact is Trump will never again even sniff the White House.
    Mark my words, DeSantis will be a two-term president and Trump never will.

    Sure, Trump will win the primary, yet lose to whoever the dems put out there.
    Oh well, got to take the small victories I suppose.

    I’m definitely not looking forward to waiting another 4 years for President DeSantis in 2028. Sigh*

  7. What would lead you to believe anybody in the Trump camp fears this grifter? He’s running out of feet to shoot himself in. I gotta be in the gym at 6:00 tomorrow, have fun typing meaningless shit. I’m out.

  8. Trump is imploding faster than the Titan sub that now rests with the Titanic.
    The man has had a very embarrassing month and it’s going to get worse.

    PS, work on those skinny calves for a change-
    You’re starting to look like a black dude with those scrawny things.

  9. I may be one of the few that enjoys the witty, sometimes off the rails into the danger zone banter between Brad, LocoBlancoSaltine and Rich Taylor. Verbal WWE grudge matches between Three Musketeers. No one can deny their dust-ups don’t grab attention.

  10. 2 months ago he made a Uturn on helping Hunter, In jan he was against spending $tax to help Hunter, In April he said it was good for American taxpayers to spend $billions helping Hunter’s partner.

    That was a strong signal he was a “Bush Republican”!

    Meeting with GWB’s Canadians says it was not a false signal! DeS is a “Bush Republican”!

  11. DeSantis is out for himself like all the other swamp creatures.
    Money and ego stroking got to him like the rest too.
    The first problem is DeSantis vowed he would complete his term as Guv before considering running for POTUS.
    Now he’s doing dumb stuff like this.
    The FL voters aren’t happy with him being an absentee Guv.
    Plus he won’t make public his travel records.

  12. At this point it may not make any difference, but throwing out a white flag and not participating in the voting process isn’t the answer, either. Despite the corruption, we must keep pushing back against it even when it seems futile. If only based on principle, VOTE. It’s still a privilege established by our Founding Fathers to have that option as an American citizen.

  13. ^^^^^^
    Exactly. I keep running into the Tommy Tactical types that say, I’m not voting. It’s to late for voting. Buy more ammo.
    Well geez, why not take the 10 minutes and give it a whirl. Just on the off chance that it might work. If it’s a .01 percent chance I still give it a try. Every one of us needs to vote.

  14. ^^^^^^

    How funny. You have said this exact same thing at least half a dozen times here, or has your flea-sized memory alluded you yet again?

    On several past threads, when pushed to a decision to vote for the GOP candidate other than Trump, you have said,”Nope ain’t gonna do it”. If under any number of scenarios, health or legal issues, Trump is not our candidate and it is RDS, he can’t count on you to do the responsible thing. I guess you will just stay home.

    Hell, even libs have more loyalty and devotion to the cause, they will vote no matter the candidate. When you can’t even measure up to a typical lib, that is telling.

  15. “How funny. You have said this exact same thing at least half a dozen times here, or has your flea-sized memory alluded you yet again?”

    You know personally I try and make it a habit of not throwing insults at someone if I don’t have the balls to say it to their face. You should do the same.

    “The Cause”. Who’s Cause? Yours. We don’t even remotely have the same causes. I’m strictly America first. If you pay attention to what your candidate is saying, he is not America First. I’ll judge him by the company he keeps as well.
    I won’t vote for another Globalist piece of shit that’s more concerned about making their donors money than clearing the regulatory path and flattening the playing field so I can make money. Stopping China from killing our manufacturing base. Just last week your candidate stated he wasn’t in favor of placing tariffs on China. Wow, I wonder why that is. I’ll vote. But I won’t vote for DeSantes

  16. Of course he won’t vote for DeSantis Rich, since he doesn’t even know how to spell his name.
    His guy may be in prison so he will definitely have the sads…
    I keep trying to tell these guys, DeSantis may be Trump’s only hope.

  17. ^^^^ It’s a free country, at least for a while. Vote for whom ever you want. I’m not voting for your guy and I told you why. If you believe any of the polls not many are. End of story.

  18. Polls huh?

    DeSantis has averaged 58% of the vote and is 5-0, including a 20-point victory over Trump’s preferred governor Charlie Crist, whom he still praises.

    Trump has averaged 46.4% in two elections and is 1-1 against the two worst Democratic nominees in world history.

  19. ^^^^^ How far did you reach up your ass to pull that worthless data out of. That obviously has nothing to do with a direct match between the two. And oh by the way, still not voting for him.

  20. That would be quite a dilemma, Loco. RDS wins and the first thing folks like Brad would be clamoring for is to pardon Trump.

    If RDS was of Trump’s character, he would say,”Fuck him, he made his bed, and all the bad things he said about me and Casey. I think Trump looks good in orange”. But he won’t, his moral underpinnings Trump can only read about, so RDS will do the right thing.

    “I’ll vote. But I won’t vote for DeSantes”

    So, if by chance Trump is in ICU suffering from a Big Mac-induced quadruple bypass or doing laundry duty in Coleman Federal Penitentiary you will pull the trigger for who, Kamala, the latest Libertarian loser, Green Party?

  21. “So, if by chance Trump is in ICU suffering from a Big Mac-induced quadruple bypass or doing laundry duty in Coleman Federal Penitentiary you will pull the trigger for who, Kamala, the latest Libertarian loser, Green Party?”

    LOL. I’m still trying to figure out whether you two hate Trump more or are head over heels over Ronda more.

  22. There’s that flea brain memory of yours kicking in. We have been over this countless times. I do not hate Trump, I would be thrilled if he won in 2024, but he can’t.

    Trump’s popularity percentage, 39% favorable vs. 55% unfavorable, is worse than Biden.

    Trump vs. RDS head to head;

    The democrats have played you and your ilk like a fiddle, dogpile Trump with bogus (some not so bogus) criminal charges and tie him up in court. This will rally his base, garnering the sympathy vote, so he gets the nomination, then he is slaughtered in the general.

    Sorry, I’m sick and tired of losing and RDS is the only guy that can beat Biden. But I will do my part and vote for whoever in the GOP candidate.

  23. “So, if by chance Trump is in ICU suffering from a Big Mac-induced quadruple bypass or doing laundry duty in Coleman Federal Penitentiary you will pull the trigger for who, Kamala, the latest Libertarian loser, Green Party?”

    Yea, I’m convinced.

  24. Rich, everything you said was spot on.
    Hence the fear of DeSantis from the OnlyTrumpers.
    It may take a 12-step program for them to finally see the light…

    Otherwise 4 more years of destruction with just a sliver of hope that enough is left for DeSantis to save in 2028.

  25. By the way, I know you spend most of your time gazing at Ronda in a speedo, but Trump’s lost a ton of weight. Some new diet one of his kids is actually marketing.

  26. “Rich, everything you said was spot on.”

    LOL, If this idiot says so himself. To funny. You two should get a room. I’ve got parts to machine, enjoy yourselves.


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