DeSantis Is Right To Attack Disney. Republicans Everywhere Should Follow His Lead – IOTW Report

DeSantis Is Right To Attack Disney. Republicans Everywhere Should Follow His Lead


Woke corporations that wage war on families and target children should expect to be targeted in turn by GOP lawmakers.

News broke Wednesday the Florida Senate had passed a bill to dismantle Walt Disney World’s half-century-old “independent special district” status, an arrangement whereby Disney has been allowed, since 1968, essentially to govern itself. Gov. Ron DeSantis says Disney’s self-governing status should be subject to review, to ensure that it is still “appropriately serving the public interest.”

Good. Disney is reaping its just reward for inserting itself into the political debate about Florida’s parental rights bill, which Disney lost in spectacular fashion. Republican governors and lawmakers across the country should be taking notes.

This is how you deal with big corporations that try to throw around their weight and force woke policies on voters and families. You punish them, not just because they deserve it, but also, as Voltaire famously put it, pour encourager les autres.
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15 Comments on DeSantis Is Right To Attack Disney. Republicans Everywhere Should Follow His Lead

  1. Sadly Republicans elsewhere are mostly in bed with woke corporations and only pretend they care when the cameras are rolling.
    Desantis is a rarity while I keep in the back of my head that I’ve been taken for a ride before.

  2. All of these pro sport teams which enjoy special treatment through “public/private partnerships” giving them tax breaks and other incentives to build and operate their stadia should be very circumspect when they are tempted to get woke and throw their weight around for things beyond their purview. Is it worth throwing all away for HR?

  3. Over the past thirty years Disney World has had a bad reputation as a hot spot for child abduction. It goes to reason that any place built to entertain children will also attract pedophiles and other nefarious evil people. In Disney’s defense they did incorporate elaborate security camera surveillance technology on their grounds. But going WOKE as they have will not bode well with the illusion of wholesome family entertainment. No doubt that they look at it as a business decision based on a profit margin calibrated on some board room PowerPoint chart in Disney headquarters.
    Welcome to the seamy underbelly of capitalism at it’s worse.

  4. DeSantis is a real leader. Most of the GOPe are worthless fucks who even now are trying to cut backroom deals with Disney to undermine what DeSantis is doing while feigning support for it. That’s what the Romneys, McCarthys, and McConnells do inside the GOP and always have.

  5. This will get a GOP votes in 2024, not in a WOKE/GAY minute! See this is just a practice run, next they’ll want t cancel everything else they don’t agree with, eat shit!

  6. Iv’e put them on the D list right after “Die”…

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  7. ” TheMule APRIL 22, 2022 AT 9:39 AM
    DeSantis is a real leader. Most of the GOPe are worthless fucks who even now are trying to cut backroom deals with Disney to undermine what DeSantis is doing while feigning support for it. That’s what the Romneys, McCarthys, and McConnells do inside the GOP and always have.”

    DeSantis is a real leader. ALL of the GOPe are worthless fucks who even now are trying to cut backroom deals with Disney to undermine what DeSantis is doing while feigning support for it. That’s what the Romneys, McCarthys, and McConnells do inside the GOP and always have.


  8. ^^^^^^^Well, the ones that don’t do it are attacked by the worthless fucks and driven out of office. Like they’re trying to do to Marjorie Taylor Greene right now.


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