DeSantis: ‘Patients’ bill of rights’ could develop to allow hospital visitation – IOTW Report

DeSantis: ‘Patients’ bill of rights’ could develop to allow hospital visitation

WTSP: Fla. — Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday hinted at the potential for a “patients’ bill of rights” to ensure hospital visitations are allowed during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

During a news conference, a reporter asked DeSantis whether he knew of possible legislation in Florida that would prevent people from being blocked from visiting loved ones in hospitals. 

“So there’s a couple pieces in the legislature. We obviously have some of our ideas, so what I think you’ll see over the next couple weeks is, I think you’ll see a package develop that’s gonna have protections,” DeSantis said.

“You have people who are in the hospital that didn’t have access to their loved ones. You literally have to have them on Zoom or on FaceTime or something like that. That had huge negative consequences for so many families throughout our country. So I’ve been talking for a long time about needing to do that,” he continued.  more

5 Comments on DeSantis: ‘Patients’ bill of rights’ could develop to allow hospital visitation

  1. Think of all the elderly people that democRAT governors killed by deliberately putting COVID infected felons into nursing homes and then let them die alone without being able to be with their relatives!
    There’s a piper somewhere waiting to be paid!

  2. Thankfully our state passed that legislation. Hospitals here must allow at least one visitor.
    However they also passed legislation that said schools can’t require masks or vaccines and about half the schools have violated that.

    A young woman trying to tell the dangers of the vaccines that killed her young husband. Sadly for her it is too late for many and even if it had been in the beginning nobody would have listened. I know because even after I had family members and friends die and tried to tell people they just ignored me and said I was lying or they would believe their doctors over me.

  3. Getting the vax is an IQ test and sadly, even with all of the info out here that should raise anyone’s hackles, many millions would rather buy into the TV Fear Porn. Not much you can do about that. Lord knows I’ve tried.

  4. My kid would be dead if I hadn’t been in the hospital room to prevent it.

    They even had a poster on the wall acknowledging that they don’t know your family like YOU do, and giving a number to call if you think your nurse is incompetent like his was.

    I’ve documented that here before, so I won’t repeat.

    I have many examples other examples as well, and nurses on this site will tell you the same thing.

    Locking family out kills

    Which is probably what they intend.

  5. @SNS, I’ve had the same experiences. The first was myself years ago, I was really ill and in and out. My husband was in the room when they brought an antibiotic bag in to hook to my IV. He asked what it was and they said an antibiotic he told them he wanted to see the bag before they hooked it up. It was pennicyllin, which I am highly allergic to. A big red sticker on the front of my chart told them so.

    Another time my disabled brother was in the hospital and was choking, I pushed the call button, nobody came, I ran to the nurses desk, nobody was there. I finally had to call down to ICU and get an ICU nurse I knew to come help. She suctioned him out and then threw a fit with the nurses on the floor telling them he must be suctioned every hour. They had not been in the room in over 4 hours.

    My daughter was in the hospital, she’s also allergic to amoxycillin, they came in with a bag of it to hook to her IV. If I had not been there the damage would have been done.

    My sister had brain surgery, the family all took shifts staying with her, on my night shift the first thing that happened was they put in a new IV and just left, as soon as they did it started blowing up. Again nobody came to the call button, someone was sitting at the nurses desk but told me they couldn’t leave and would page someone. I ran up and down the hallways until I found a nurse and forced her to come to the room, by this time the fluids had accumulated to a softball size knot. I was furious, the nurse told me it wasn’t life threatening and happens all the time. I told her obviously it had never happened to her or she’d know how painful it is. Later that same night they came in with something to inject into her IV when I asked what it was I was told it didn’t concern me, I told them it did and after insisting I be told another nurse came in and discovered she was about to inject her with something ordered for another patient.

    My husband was brought back from surgery and just dumped in the room, still out and started throwing up, their excuse was they didn’t know he was back and then proceeded to tell me how dangerous that was. I told them no shit and if I had not been in here to halfway roll him to his side he probably would have died due to their incompetence.

    The worst was a friend several years ago, they had him heavily medicated with pain medication so he was out of it. They come in to get him and say they’re taking him to surgery and I told them we knew nothing about any surgery and the guy looked at his paper and said yes he’s having his left leg amputated. I was just in there long enough for his family to go get something to eat, if I hadn’t been would they have taken him away and cut his leg off? We’ll never know if they would have figured out they had the wrong patient or not. The worst part is he scanned his id bracelet and was still going to take him.


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