DeSantis signs bill mandating Florida schools teach ‘evils of communism’ – IOTW Report

DeSantis signs bill mandating Florida schools teach ‘evils of communism’

WaEx: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill on Monday designating Nov. 7 as “Victims of Communism Day” and requiring schools to teach students about the “evils of communism.”

Under the law, public high schools must provide students enrolled in the Florida-mandated U.S. government class with at least 45 minutes of instruction about the pitfalls of communism , starting in the 2023-2024 school year.

“We want to make sure that every year folks in Florida, but particularly our students, will learn about the evils of communism, the dictators that have led communist regimes, and the hundreds of millions of individuals who’ve suffered and continue to suffer under the weight of this discredited ideology,” DeSantis said at a signing ceremony. read more

87 Comments on DeSantis signs bill mandating Florida schools teach ‘evils of communism’

  1. I sure hope this country survives long enough to get to 8 years of a DeSantis administration.

    Doubtful, we are borrowing dump trucks full of cash from China to send to Ukraine in an effort to antagonize the worlds largest purveyor of nuclear weapons.

    We are a country of ignorant, evil motherfuckers.
    We aren’t gonna make it…

  2. Loco, that’s Boomer talk. They’re getting to the ends of their wretched lives and simply can’t imagine the planet surviving without them. YOU’RE not gonna’ make it. I’m gonna’ continue to make it until I’m greeted with palm leaves and hosanas entering the New Jerusalem.

    Boomers, please leave this planet neater than you found it. We’re not asking much. Just for boomers to not take the entire planet down with them.

    Some of us still enjoy this place.

  3. Loco, I believe it’s worse than that. They are not even borrowing money. They’re just printing it. It’s a well designed effort to crash the dollar at the same time they take your food away from you. Throw in a nuclear winter and now you know what gives Libtards an erection.

  4. I’m actually encouraged that Ron DeSantis is bombarding my e mail asking for money. It would be pretty bitchin if Trump and DeSantis were working together. Could we be that lucky?

  5. Brad, DeSantis has 100 million compared to Charlie Crist 9 million for the governors race so he really doesn’t need any more $$$ to kick dem ass.

    I don’t see DeSantis attacking Trump.
    Now will Trump attack DeSantis?
    I certainly hope not.
    They need to be on the same team.
    After all, they ARE on the winning team.

  6. Loco, DeSantis is not asking money for himself. Your missing the point. And I get you hate Trump. But the exposure of the left and the RINOs would never occurred with out Trump. Period, ed of story.

  7. Brad, I don’t hate Trump.
    I appreciate the things he accomplished while under attack for 4 years.
    I don’t have as much confidence in his actions as you do.
    Another swamp rat under Trump just released another tell-all book.
    Treasonous if you ask me.
    I want Trump to say he will fire everyone if he gets back in the White House.
    Instead he’s promoting Dr. Fucking OZ?
    He’s basically installing another Romney in Pennsylvania…

  8. smart political move by DeSantis. lots of Cubans in FLA that hate Castro & hence communism. many experienced it firsthand & brought their children up to hate it also

    … not like our American communist wanna-bees (“socialists”) that have never experienced real communist rule

  9. Trump has good instincts for the most part but he pulls some stunts out of his ass that really leave me scratching my head.

    He needs to dump any yes-men on his payroll.
    DeSantis would be someone he SHOULD consult.
    Ego won’t likely allow that.

    I don’t dislike Ivanka but he should stop listening to her.
    She be a bit too woke…

  10. Bullshit? Brad?

    Please just send me to or copy/paste ANY comment of mine that wasn’t from 2015 that disparages Trump.

    You can’t.
    You can’t.
    You can’t.

    Damn, this is twice in a week I have been accused of something I didn’t do.

    Why make up lies?

    And if you think we can’t criticism Trump for legitimate mistakes that makes you no better than a sycophantic leftist.
    Please say something nice about Dr. Oz while you’re at it…


  11. Loco. Leaves YOU scratching your head! Do you own half of Nueve York, and bitchen Golf Courses in Florida? I’m mean really dude. What’s your work schedule right now?

  12. There is NO ONE ELSE that will represent the citizens of the USA than Donald Trump beginning in 2024. DeSantis is a good man, but he needs Trump to set the table for him. We are in a war for our survival, not enough of us believe it.

  13. I agree Al.
    Florida needs another 4 years of DeSantis.
    The state will be bulletproof by then.

    Most the rest of the country will turn to shit but we are headed for division either way.

    Ultimately 2024 will be stolen again anyway so it’s too soon for DeSantis to get a fair chance…
    Perhaps by 2028 if the country still exists?

  14. Back in the 1960s (I graduated in 1964), we were required to take a courseProblems in American Democracy or something like that, which emphasized communism issues.
    Required books:
    Animal Farm
    Brave New World
    The Ugly American

  15. So, no comment on Dr. Oz Brad?
    Why not?

    I’m sorry but I don’t want to vote for anyone who cannot be criticized.
    I don’t worship millionaires since I’ve seen billionaire assholes like Gates and Zuckeburg it really doesn’t impress me.

  16. if Trump runs in 2024, & the voting system isn’t fixed by then (& it won’t be), gird your loins for “over 100 million votes for … ” either another 4 years of comatose Biden or 8 from Kacklin’ Kammie

    … & the same goes for DeSantis

  17. “Desantis needs Trump to set the table for him?”
    What does that mean?

    I really don’t think DeSantis WANTS to run in 2024, so this is a moot point.
    Why would he?
    He is emperor king in Florida.
    Why go to DC and deal with grifting RINO dickheads in his own party?
    I believe he would be more than happy to let Trump deal with that shit.

  18. I firmly believe that Trump has proven himself to be AMERICA FIRST! That’s exactly what is required for our great nation to survive! He’s taken more abuse and attacks than anyone could stand, and he’s coming back for more. Granted he’s hasn’t had a great record with some of his appointments but I still support him. I’m on his team for 2024! DaSantis in 2028!

  19. “Desantis needs Trump to set the table for him?” Loco, nobody is better prepared to take the shit and abuse that will come to a Republican President! When Trump comes back to the presidency everyone knows the war is on. Trump can survive it and make genuine progress. DeSantis comes in after and does a hell of a job because of Trump cleaning up some of the mess and setting the table for DeSantis to really shine! Simple as that.

  20. Trump will act as a shield for DeSantis is likely true.
    Both barrels will be fired at the next R to take office is assured.

    That said, I hope Trump is taking notes from the Masterclass that DeSantis is giving in Florida.

    DeSantis took on the Disney behemoth and won.
    Trump said “If I fired Fauci the left & MSM would have gone berserk.”

  21. “Methinks bad Brad doth protest too much…”

    No, I just don’t like illogical thought processes. And you’re full of them. I get peeps here think I’m a big meanie. What ever. Try and think. There’s one way out of this mess and you are leading people down the wrong path. Honestly, are you a plant?

  22. Also, picking your battles is a lesson Trump BETTER LEARN!
    Grooming & CRT for schoolchildren is a battle worth fighting and winning.
    Not some BS twitter feud.

    DeSantis has Cristina Pushaw as his press secretary to fight & push back the MSM in the trenches. He donesn’t tweet much himself.
    Trump loved doing that on Twitter and admittedly it was fun.
    The stakes are far too high now for that kind of BS.
    Trump can be his own worst enemy and provides BS talking points that go for weeks on end.
    A focused Trump will kick ass, that is what we need.

  23. If I may interject. I’m looking for signs that Trump is building a team of administrators to join him for a second term.

    In his first term, he was a one-man-band.

    His second term will require a symphony orchestra.

    I’m not seeing it… yet.

  24. Brad, you called me bad names and then say I’m a “plant.”
    I’m trying to have a rational conversation.
    I didn’t call you names or call Trump names.
    You have a very warped perspective of what is going on here.
    Bizarre-o-world of Brad…

  25. I remember Trump saying really stupid things about John McCain.
    I also remember McCain and his deciding “thumbs-down” regarding overturning Obamacare.
    It was revenge against Trumps acerbic tongue.
    That fucked us all, yet I can’t blame McCain.
    I’d have done the same thing because I can be that asshole as well when it comes to vengeance.

    *McCain was indeed an asshole, a dead one but still, why poison the well when you need certain motherfuckers to pass your shit…

    PSA* This criticism was brought to you by democrat plant, LOCOBLANCO…

  26. Nope, just commenting on Trump’s mistakes in hopes that he has learned his lesson going forward.
    I’m pulling for him keeping his powder dry & ONLY fighting the fights that need fighting.

    Try “Reading Comprehension for Dummies” Brad…

  27. OK guys, new rules here:
    Donald J. Trump CANNOT, I REPEAT CAN NOT be criticized here EVER!
    E V E R !
    Decreed by (formerly Bad) Brad on this day of our Lord…

    *Yes, I know we make fun of leftist sycophants who take a knee to their leaders, but NO, OUR leaders are beyond reproach.
    We now take you to Omarosa & Mark Esper for comment…

    BTW, this is SO FUNNY!
    I happen to love Donald J. Trump and would damn near do anything to play a round of golf with that wonderful man.

    #1 Bucket-list item for many many men…

  28. “*Yes, I know we make fun of leftist sycophants who take a knee to their leaders, but NO, OUR leaders are beyond reproach.”

    To funny. This is why I think you’re a plant. That or brain dead.

  29. Seriously Brad, joe6 & I went to a Trump rally here in Vegas.
    95% of my posts about Trump are positive.
    You questioning my “allegiance” is absurd.

    You need to either stop drinking or start drinking because you are acting like a retarded asshole.

    As for McCain, you are just as much an asshole as he is.
    At least I admit I would have been a vindictive jackwagon…

    Try honesty for a fucking change asshole!

  30. “Post my top ten rants AGAINST Trump.”

    That’s funny lil pussy. Top ten my ass. Everything you comment about Trump is negative. Look it up for yourself gas bag. And by the way, have another drink, and then fuck off.

  31. Next up from Brad, straight out of the leftist playbook:
    “Studies show that Loco hates Trump.”
    “Independent sources say Loco hates Trump.”
    “Discreet whistle-blower posits Loco’s hatred for President Trump.”


  32. Brad, come on mate, you are looking ridiculous now.
    It was all fun and games but seriously, log off, sober up and tomorrow we can be friends again.
    I don’t even want an apology.
    I get it.
    You are stressed tonight and acting out.
    We’ve all been there.
    It’s all good!

  33. Brad, I’ve had it! I’m changing my Depends, eatin dinner & goin to bed!
    Not exactly, first I’ll cry myself to sleep, talk to the Tulsi poster over my bed then have a real bigly cry!! You guys suck, wah bhaw snifle, snifle.,. my only happyness is a warm gun.

  34. Geez, I got so sidetracked by the soap opera here I forgot whut the topic was!
    Oh yeah, Communism! Not enough, if any these days, is taught about the history of Communism, so I applaud DeSantis for this “Victims of Communism Day” legislation!
    Now let’s see what the teachers actually do with it…
    (they’ll probably seed it with lots of snarky comments and eye-rolling)

  35. LocoBlancoSaltine
    MAY 11, 2022 AT 1:39 AM
    “Well honestly, tits never let me down…
    Gonna write a song:

    “Can’t go wrong with tits”
    Sung to the key of double-D…”

    …there’s already a song for tit lovers, it goes something like this…

    “I like big tits (I like big tits)
    Ah ha! (ah ha!)
    You see ’em on the street
    Left and right
    I like big tits (that’s right)
    I try to look away but I can’t resist
    Every time I try to call it quits
    Here come some tits (ah ha!)
    (That’s a big ten-four; big tits) that’s a big ten-four; big tits
    What it is? (uh huh)
    I like big tits (tits)
    What it is?
    I like big tits (tits)
    Ah ha!
    Well they come in twos
    Hard to choose
    Your favorite tit
    (Uh huh)
    I like tits for dinner
    Or a noon time snack
    I like tits for lunch
    A big tit attack
    I like tits for breakfast
    (Eggs Bendict tits) eggs Bendict tits
    (What it is)
    They’re where its at
    They give me shivers
    When they bounce around
    Puckered up or hanging on the ground
    I like big tits (I love those tits)
    (Uh huh) oow!
    Ah ha
    Tits (says it all for me)
    I’m a tit man
    I’m a tit man (I like big tits)
    (Uh oh uh) I like big tits
    Me too
    That right
    They give me fills (I like big tits)
    Ah ha”
    -Joe Walsh, “I.L.B.T’s”


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