DeSantis To Veto $35M Tampa Bay Rays Facility Over Team’s Anti-Gun Statement – IOTW Report

DeSantis To Veto $35M Tampa Bay Rays Facility Over Team’s Anti-Gun Statement

Daily Wire:

Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) plans to veto tens of millions of dollars that were earmarked for the Tampa Bay Rays after the team released an anti-Second Amendment statement following a couple of recent tragedies.

“DeSantis plans to veto a $35 million legislation for a Pasco County facility that’s earmarked for the Tampa Bay Rays’ spring training,” OutKick reported. “DeSantis’s decision is in response to the Rays politicizing recent shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde ahead of a matchup with the Yankees in May.”

The decision comes after the Rays published a statement last week saying that the tragedies “have shaken us to the core.”

“This cannot become normal. We cannot become numb. We cannot look the other way,” the statement said. “We all know, if nothing changes, nothing changes.”

The organization added that it was donating tens of thousands of dollars to far-left anti-Second Amendment organizations. more

22 Comments on DeSantis To Veto $35M Tampa Bay Rays Facility Over Team’s Anti-Gun Statement

  1. Yeeeaaaaaaaazzz!!!!… US pro-sports is now the epicenter of woke corporate fascism. Fuck these assholes. We should not be buying stadiums for teams that want us to be turned into serfs.

  2. If the Rays have tens of thousands of dollars to donate to far-left anti-Second Amendment organizations then they don’t need to be subsidized with tax payer money. A few years ago I went to Bard on the Beach in Vancouver. They had a couple of begathons before the show and during the break. Then afterwards they said that they would use some of the funds to donate to an AIDS charity. Sure, I would like to see a cure for AIDS, but why should I give Bard on the Beach money just so they can give it to someone else?

    Not that I necessarily begrudge sports players making a lot of money, I think teams should be self-sufficient. There is no way salaries would be that high if teams had to support themselves, including paying for their own stadiums or at least paying what it actually costs to rent the facilities and not some token amount.

  3. @

    ” We should not be buying stadiums for teams that want us to be turned into serfs.”

    Pro sports ought to be paying their own way. Not one dime of tax money should be given to any pro sport or the Olympics for that matter. I also think the same about alot of other stuff, art for example. If you can’t produce something that someone besides the government wants to pay you for, then you deserve the title-starving artist. Despite what many people think, the world owes no one a living!!

  4. If I want politics, I’ll go to a rally.

    Just play the fucking game I came to see.

    Shut up about everything else.

    No one’s paying you for your opinions, so give them what they ARE paying for.

    Escapism. Distraction. A circus. That’s YOUR role.

    You’re just court jesters.

    The King does not want or need your advice.

  5. This is the type of article the MSM would publish. It is not true. He is going to veto the funding of professional sports but not because of their political views or statements. He is doing so because its the right thing to do. Taxpayers should not support these types of private endeavors. The timing of his veto was purely coincidental – pro sports has always been woke.

  6. I’m done and done with all sports. I suspect even HS sports is now tainted with wokeism and faggotry.

    My entertainment is now reading history and to a lesser extent, non-Darwinian science.

  7. I can’t support pro sports any less than I already do. Gave up the NFL when the faggot players started doing dance routines in the endzone after each touchdown back in the 1980’s.

  8. Never been a sports fan, confused how the taxpayer who doesn’t subsidize them with their own money becomes responsible by taxation to give them money. In Atlanta I remember the shenanigans pulled when they demanded a new stadium. Marta stopped running to the venue, and they threatened to move to LA. How, enjoy the higher taxes, now they have 2 new stadiums, charge more money and screw up an already full traffic pattern on a regular basis. I’m tired of the corporate beggars using the legal system like the “Crimson Permanent Assurance” to obtain set aside, tax loopholes, and down right bribes from the taxpayer. The asshats who sign these deals are not paying them.

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