‘Designer vagina’ surgery doubles in 2022 for one surgeon thanks to tight leggings – IOTW Report

‘Designer vagina’ surgery doubles in 2022 for one surgeon thanks to tight leggings

Talk about a nip and tuck.

Women are flocking to purchase a “designer vagina” after ultra-tight leggings have become uncomfortable or embarrassing thanks to the dreaded “camel toe.”

Called a labiaplasty, the procedure shrinks the labia minora — otherwise known as the flaps on the inside of the vagina — with a price tag of more than $4,000.

Dr. John Skevofilax, a chief surgeon at Signature Clinics in the UK, told Daily Mail that last year, he only performed 50 labiaplasties — yet in 2022 alone, that number’s already been beaten as of August.

Citing pain and discomfort as the reason for the surgery, Skevofilax explained how tight leggings and athleisure clothing can cause pain below the belt.

“Exercise clothing is a little bit tighter and it’s form-fitting so it does put pressure on the area,” he explained. “They experience pain, discomfort in general, chaffing … a lot of women will feel so uncomfortable that they avoid trying to wear this type of clothing.”

Yoga pants have long been the culprit for crotch-appearance suffering. In 2015, plastic surgeon Dr. Richard Swift told The Post that the “ubiquitous” activewear plays a “big part” in the uptick in labiaplasties.

“For those whose labia are enlarged, they can make them feel uncomfortable and exposed,” Swift added. more

h/t Brad.

37 Comments on ‘Designer vagina’ surgery doubles in 2022 for one surgeon thanks to tight leggings

  1. I remember the days when people took clothing to a seamstress or a tailor to have them altered.
    Now people are altering their bodies to fit clothes.
    not real surprised, given everything else going on, or off

  2. I’m a party poooper, I don’t need a dip and tuck, I dress modestly. Those 30+ yo women will eventually learn it doesn’t mean anything after all – except the doctor made out like a bandit. They’ll eventually dress for comfort when they no longer get the looks from men. How do I know these things?

  3. I heard about a woman that went in for that. She told her surgeon in no uncertain terms that absolutely nobody was to know about it. When she woke up after surgery, there were three vases of flowers on the nightstand. She was livid—-she called the doctor and demanded to know what the hell. He said, “I always give flowers to my lady patients, and the nurse felt sorry for you since you had nobody seeing about you. The third one is from a fellow in the burn ward thanking you for the new ears.”

  4. I don’t want anyone to see me naked, but I’ll happily wear clothes that look sprayed on so that everyone can see every fold and wrinkle in my snatch. Then I can get all the attention of every man for 300 feet around.

    God, modern women are stupid.

  5. I’d just prefer yoga pants and leggings to go out of style. Nothing worse than seeing women who shouldn’t be wearing those things walking around in them.

  6. I don’t understand. How does anyone know they are women? Is there a rulz for writing these stories? ‘Cause I thought the newest Assoc. Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. . .

  7. We pulled into a parking lot and a curvaceous woman in size small leggings walked past. Hubby remarked, “It looks like her arse is chewing a caramel.”

    Leggings are not pants.

  8. I’m in the gym 6 days a week. You would not believe what some of these young girls wear to the gym. Some of them I’m guessing as young as 15. It doesn’t leave much to the imagination. I’m not sure how they even get in something that tight. And no, they’re not wearing any underwear. I’m wondering where the parental influence is.

  9. They called the entire group together at work one day. We got a lecture on respecting one another, not sexualizing, telling off color jokes, etc. After a bit it became apparent that one of the women in our group (she was not in attendance nor were any of the others) had complained that she was essentially getting undressed by our eyes too often.

    One of the braver of our group called out and said, “Stop right now. It’s obvious that this is about Becky. You need to tell her that she needs to quit wearing her coveralls like a second skin.” He absolutely nailed it. She looked like she was poured into her coveralls everyday.

    Management agreed, the pow-wow was ended and the next day she had on some big baggy coveralls. It lasted about a month and I can only guess that she missed the attention. She went back to the skin tights. She quit her complaining though or, she was told to can it.

  10. my favorite are the “sugar skulls” pattern, very colorful and black background….problem was, they were more like “sugar basketballs” by the time she got them on……

  11. Irish,

    I keep telling my wife that I’ll watch Figure skating on TV with her when the women would do it Naked & they were judged on Sound.

    She hates me sometimes.

  12. Ever since attending a girls swim meet in junior high very long ago, I’ve always admired some camel toe and wet cold nips. Women are breathtakingly gorgeous and make me go weak in the knees.


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